…..another one

Agree to disagree I suppose. I’m definitely not a shotgun hunter in any capacity. I have pattern tested a lot though. Hornady BB, 4buck and turkey loads were always bottom of the barrel for me. Every choke from Imp Cyl through stupid tight was pretty bad. Even the shot quality seemed subpar. Even with nickel plating it deformed more than other factory loads.

Any shell loaded with TSS that patterns well is going to crush a coyote at extended ranges, so no doubt yours are performing. Proof keeps coming in posts and pics. Keep hammering man!

Again, they’re not even in the same conversation
I definitely have to agree ! I have not found a good gun / choke combo yet that I would call acceptable with Hornady BB. And I’ve spent a small fortune attempting! Exactly why I load my own TSS now. Not saying it’s the answer for everyone but I promise I will NEVER coyote hunt with lead of any kind.
Not trying to raise feathers just my opinion and preference. 👍
There’s still plenty of people that do, and hundreds of coyotes that been killed with it. I don’t bash anyone for what they shoot, but I will tell anyone that’s against these Salt Creek loads because of the price is missing out big time.
Again, they’re not even in the same conversation
Nope, they’re not. Totally apologize if my post turned your thread into something other than intended. TSS is top tier for sure. I have no qualms with anybody’s choice to use Hornady BB loads. I wish they performed better for me as they are about the most economical and readily available loads out there. Just wasn’t the case.

As I said before… Keep dumping them man! You definitely have a killing combination.
I still have quite a few of the 12g/cc 3" 1-1/2 oz reloads of HW13 BB shot and the 15g/cc 3" 1-1/2 oz Federal Heavyweight #2 shot loads that I put in my shotgun when I can only see 40 yards and less. Both of these loads work way better than lead BB shot loads do.

If I could legally use lead BB, BBB or T shot I would use it for the 40 yards and under spots.

Austin Laughlin why don't you buy a old cheap Mec 600 reloader and reload you own TSS coyote loads? The only thing you need the Mec 600 junior for is crimping the hulls or you could watch how to roll crimp hulls on YouTube and you won't even need a shotgun shell reloader.
Austin Laughlin why don't you buy a old cheap Mec 600 reloader and reload you own TSS coyote loads? The only thing you need the Mec 600 junior for is crimping the hulls or you could watch how to roll crimp hulls on YouTube and you won't even need a shotgun shell reloader.
What he^^^^ said
I still have quite a few of the 12g/cc 3" 1-1/2 oz reloads of HW13 BB shot and the 15g/cc 3" 1-1/2 oz Federal Heavyweight #2 shot loads that I put in my shotgun when I can only see 40 yards and less. Both of these loads work way better than lead BB shot loads do.

If I could legally use lead BB, BBB or T shot I would use it for the 40 yards and under spots.

Austin Laughlin why don't you buy an old cheap Mec 600 reloader and reload you own TSS coyote loads? The only thing you need the Mec 600 junior for is crimping the hulls or you could watch how to roll crimp hulls on YouTube and you won't even need a shotgun shell reloader.

Even with 40 yard and under, I’d still rather have these.

I know, I know.. sounds unnecessary. But even at 40, I’ve had 2 and 3 shot kills with lead. I haven’t fired these shells more than once at almost double that. Still people I know will argue the price point, or whatever else they can find to use against TSS.

But the bottom line is, I drive out to a spot. I spend the money and time. I get setup. I do all of the things just like we all do, to do one thing.. kill coyotes. Period. Nothing in this world pisses me off more than having a double within 50 yards, taking 2-3 shots to kill the first one and wasted the time I could have on the second. Again, I know, that’s just one example. You’re not going to get them all 100% of the time anyway. But in an example as I just explained… I want to one shot dump the first one and get onto the second. Not have to switch to my rifle to make a running shot. I want dead coyotes. These shells have done that for me, as long as I do my part, flawlessly. One trigger squeeze, one dead coyote.
No reason to roll your own if you get free or discounted ammo to promote it.

Maybe ???

I’m not paid by anyone, to use a single piece of gear I’ve got. Not a dime. I just want to make that clear for anyone reading anything I post.

My deal with Salt Creek isn’t me getting paid, or any of that. The owner has become a very good friend of mine. Deal or no deal between me and Salt Creek, I’d shoot these. The people that say “it’s easy to say that when you’re getting a deal on them” or anything likewise, can say and think whatever helps them sleep at night. I’d spend the money to buy these loads, over any lead or BB, hands down. Mainly because of what I mentioned in the above comment. If I spend my time and money to call coyotes, I want dead coyotes. These have just helped me achieve that MUCH easier.
In my opinion, not all TSS shells are created equal. I’m a turkey hunter first and started trapping and now predator hunting to benefit them.
I’ve bought and shot a LOT of shells over the years. When we loaded our own TSS it was #8’s 1 5/8oz 3” 20ga loads. When TSS skyrocketed many years ago and all the manufacturers started mass producing it I basically bought a box of everything. Nothing compared or even came close to the patterns I was looking for.
I found Apex and bought a box to try seeing how they had the exact same loads we had rolled. Those shells were the ticket. I’ve shot their 8.5, 9, 10, and 9/10 shot and every one of them pattern the same and perfect for how I want my load at 40yds.
I’ll probably give Salt Creek a try because it seems these smaller companies produce a better consistent product than the mass production manufacturers.
I have one shot killed hogs and coyotes out to 45yds with #9’s out of a Sumtoy choke in my Remington Youth 20ga turkey gun. I honestly couldn’t imagine was a 12ga load of 4’s would do, lol. I prefer a more “open” pattern at 40 than a tight pattern, think slightly larger than a basketball. I don’t take long shots on turkeys with the average at about 23yds, but I have screwed up in those prairie States and severely misjudged distance and have taken a few out to 60yds. I swear at the shot I would’ve guessed a max of 40, but walking out to retrieve a bird and I realize I was WAY off.
I’m not paid by anyone, to use a single piece of gear I’ve got. Not a dime. I just want to make that clear for anyone reading anything I post.

My deal with Salt Creek isn’t me getting paid, or any of that. The owner has become a very good friend of mine. Deal or no deal between me and Salt Creek, I’d shoot these. The people that say “it’s easy to say that when you’re getting a deal on them” or anything likewise, can say and think whatever helps them sleep at night. I’d spend the money to buy these loads, over any lead or BB, hands down. Mainly because of what I mentioned in the above comment. If I spend my time and money to call coyotes, I want dead coyotes. These have just helped me achieve that MUCH easier.
I am sure those loads are great! I thought you were paying the full price for them and thought you maybe able to save at least 50% for similar loads.

The first long shot I made on a coyote with 1-1/2 oz of TSS #4 shot was right at 70 yards away. The coyote was coming in close to being down wind, when it stopped and stuck his nose in the air I went ahead and shot it. The coyote fell stone dead and I saw my pattern hit the uphill slope behind the coyote about 10 to 15 yards past the coyote. I was amazed at how tight the pattern was and how hard those #4 TSS pellets hit the ground.

I have been a TSS shot for coyotes believer ever since then.
In my opinion, not all TSS shells are created equal. I’m a turkey hunter first and started trapping and now predator hunting to benefit them.
I’ve bought and shot a LOT of shells over the years. When we loaded our own TSS it was #8’s 1 5/8oz 3” 20ga loads. When TSS skyrocketed many years ago and all the manufacturers started mass producing it I basically bought a box of everything. Nothing compared or even came close to the patterns I was looking for.
I found Apex and bought a box to try seeing how they had the exact same loads we had rolled. Those shells were the ticket. I’ve shot their 8.5, 9, 10, and 9/10 shot and every one of them pattern the same and perfect for how I want my load at 40yds.
I’ll probably give Salt Creek a try because it seems these smaller companies produce a better consistent product than the mass production manufacturers.
I have one shot killed hogs and coyotes out to 45yds with #9’s out of a Sumtoy choke in my Remington Youth 20ga turkey gun. I honestly couldn’t imagine was a 12ga load of 4’s would do, lol. I prefer a more “open” pattern at 40 than a tight pattern, think slightly larger than a basketball. I don’t take long shots on turkeys with the average at about 23yds, but I have screwed up in those prairie States and severely misjudged distance and have taken a few out to 60yds. I swear at the shot I would’ve guessed a max of 40, but walking out to retrieve a bird and I realize I was WAY off.
Turkeys and coyotes are about all I get excited for anymore. I totally get your misjudged distance, anyone that’s turkey hunted enough has done it, I know I have more than once. Just chalk it up to another tally, on what makes TSS worth it.

You get ahold of Keith, and ask him questions about loads, and your setup. Whichever load you choose to go with, if there’s something more you’d like or a little fine tuning within reason, you can reach out to him again and he’ll do it. He’s all about working with his customers, and that puts him above all else.

I’ve shot numerous other loads from different brands, and these trump them all. Without question.
I am sure those loads are great! I thought you were paying the full price for them and thought you maybe able to save at least 50% for similar loads.

The first long shot I made on a coyote with 1-1/2 oz of TSS #4 shot was right at 70 yards away. The coyote was coming in close to being down wind, when it stopped and stuck his nose in the air I went ahead and shot it. The coyote fell stone dead and I saw my pattern hit the uphill slope behind the coyote about 10 to 15 yards past the coyote. I was amazed at how tight the pattern was and how hard those #4 TSS pellets hit the ground.

I have been a TSS shot for coyotes believer ever since then.

I’m a firm believer. Like I stated before, it doesn’t have a thing to do with Keith being a friend of mine. If I came across these and didn’t know him from adam, I’d still shoot them.

TSS is an amazing thing for sure