Animal Audio


Well-known member
So I got bored today and decided to play around in the yard with my e-caller. I’m using the Icotec Outlaw+.
I wanted to see if I could get the Bluetooth portion figured out. I have the Animal Audio app and went through and made up some playlist of just the free sounds…cheapskate for now, lol.
I took the caller in the yard and get everything in sync and let it rip. Only one word…WOW. I don’t think it was loud and realized my phone was only on 50% volume. Crank that joker up and I had dogs down the road going crazy over a coyote howl.
Not sure how it’ll work at night with the glare of the phone, but I think I can make a playlist with pauses and just hit play and let’r rip.
Pretty cool feature to add to a caller.
So I got bored today and decided to play around in the yard with my e-caller. I’m using the Icotec Outlaw+.
I wanted to see if I could get the Bluetooth portion figured out. I have the Animal Audio app and went through and made up some playlist of just the free sounds…cheapskate for now, lol.
I took the caller in the yard and get everything in sync and let it rip. Only one word…WOW. I don’t think it was loud and realized my phone was only on 50% volume. Crank that joker up and I had dogs down the road going crazy over a coyote howl.
Not sure how it’ll work at night with the glare of the phone, but I think I can make a playlist with pauses and just hit play and let’r rip.
Pretty cool feature to add to a caller.
LOLHAhahah .. Dude .. Last night I used my Cell Phone for the 1st time ever for a Call . I was surprised just how loud it actually is on a windless quiet night. has good and clear sound.
I Vid. recorded a couple baby skunks that were 'Loud' squealing throwing temper tantrums . I got a couple of new litters of babies out back under my shed and I handle and will feed them dry cat food. So it easy to touch and be close, as skunks are actually pretty social.

Anyway, last night I set up back behind a couple hundred acres of blueberry field. I did a couple of open-reed howls and was there for about an hour and it was quiet nothing on the scanner, just dead quiet night . I remembered I had that baby skunk Vid./audio on the phone so I pulled it out of my jacket pocket and turned volume up and let it play for about 30 seconds. Was not more than 10 minutes latter and I had two dogs run in . I was just stunned how well the cell phone worked.
. . It NOT ever going to replace my FP and sound list. but i got some thinking to do now on how to possibly utilize the phone as a call now.
Well, I’d downloaded some coon sounds earlier and went out about dark where I got a cam and bait site set up for pigs. I’d seen coons on that camera before and there’s a wet weather hole surrounded my oaks close by, so I set the caller about 75 yards down towards the feed and picked out coon twitters.
Apparently a coon was really close in the brush because by the time I got on the scope it was at the call and didn’t like it and hauled butt!
I was thinking, well at least it worked, lol. I thought I could see it occasionally in the brush, so when I saw it stop about 125yds out and look back I switched to coon pup crys or something like that and immediately got on the scope. In less than 10sec I shot that joker running three feet from the call, lol!!
I played it a few minutes longer and when nothing else showed I shut it down. I turned off Bluetooth on the phone to see if it would reconnect from that far away. I was surprised it did. I think it’s advertised 100yd Bluetooth capability and it just might be.
I didn’t play any sounds for about 10 minutes then turned it back on to play some coyote sounds. That joker is loud!! And the free sounds I downloaded were crystal clear. Never got a response or anything come in after about 15min so I called it a night.
Pretty cool to have other sounds and another avenue to use with the caller.


Really can’t wait until the coyotes get vocal and I can find tracks or get pics of them again. It’s like they’ve disappeared from the property. We’ve got about 20 cameras scattered around and no one is getting and big predators. My hogs have even disappeared.
I've been saying it for a while now.... There's no reason that new sounds should be so hard to load onto FoxPro calls. As you see with others like Icotec, it's very simple.
I run a Foxpro X2S caller which has bluetooth. I played with it a be little but it was just screwing around in my house. I paired it with my phone and Spotify music app. It works but I never tested for range.

That said I have called in a Fisher and a few Barred owls with just my iphone. Lackluster treestand sits bowhunting and figured I’d see if my phone was capable. The Fisher was fun to watch. The second owl had me nervous! That joker landed on a branch 5 feet away at eye level and was popping its beak at me! Hadn’t planned to do battle 20 feet in the air! Lol…
Back when it was cold I had owls coming to my calls about every night. I actually had one come to it a few days ago right before dark, I seldom hunt before dark.
I’ve called in a ton of owls over the years. Making a day hunt once and one flew in and attacked my mojo critter decoy. After watching it fight and wrestle with it for 15-20 seconds it finally realized something was amiss and flew off.

Another time I brought a friend along on a night hunt and we were back to back watching 2 sides of a hedgerow when I heard an odd sound. I turned in time to see him hit the ground. I went to see what was up and he said an owl almost took his head off! The sound I heard was him trying not to scream like a girl and screw up the set. The laughing took care of that!
You could dim your screen and it might not cause to much light calling at night. I used the Athlon Optics Chronus for a while. In order to record sound you had to pair it to an App on your phone and record thru the phone. I absolutely hated having to have a phone on, night calling.
Believe it or not this app has a button that darkens the screen even darker than you can do it with the phones controls. Hit it by accident and found it, lol. I can download the playlist to the caller and then to the remote. I just thought it was pretty cool.