And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

Omnibus Legislation Funds Border Security for 8 Foreign Nations
The measure includes no new funding for US border security

By Joseph Lord
March 10, 2022 Updated: March 10, 2022

Democrats’ $1.5 trillion omnibus legislation would provide funding for border security in eight foreign nations—many of whom are U.S. adversaries—while providing no new money for security along the U.S. border.

The omnibus measure allocates $370 million to “enhanced border security” measures in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman, of which $150 million alone is set to go toward border funding in Jordan. In addition, the legislation provides funding for border security measures in Libya, Nepal, and Pakistan, a longtime U.S. adversary.

As a compromise, Republican lawmakers retained about $2 billion in previously allocated border wall construction funds, but the omnibus measure contains no new funds for border security along the U.S. southern border.

Preston Huennekens, government relations manager at the nonpartisan Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), blasted the measure in a statement to The Epoch Times.

“It is insulting to the American people that Democrats would rather secure the borders of countries such as Oman, Pakistan, and Libya while our own states on the border are overwhelmed with illegal immigration,” Huennekens said. “The omnibus package offered exactly zero dollars for the hiring of any additional border or immigration agents and also took steps to dismantle enforcement tools such as the 287(g) program.”

The program referenced by Huennekens allows state and local law enforcement officials to aid the Department of Homeland Security to find and deport illegal aliens.

“This shows that Democrats are simply out of touch with the American electorate, who overwhelmingly disapprove of President [Joe] Biden’s handling of immigration,” he said. “Democrats ignore our raging border crisis at their own peril.”

Since Biden took office, he has taken a far more laissez-faire approach to border security than former President Donald Trump.

Biden halted construction on Trump’s border wall almost immediately after taking office, leaving construction materials that had already been paid for by the federal government sitting unused along the border. At the same time, he reduced the number of border security agents, leaving those agents who remain unable to stop the unprecedented inflow of illegal immigrants into the country.

He also overturned Trump’s “Stay in Mexico” policy, which required that those seeking asylum in the United States remain in Mexico until their asylum applications were approved.

The United States already is facing unprecedented levels of illegal immigration along its southern border, which critics have blamed on the Biden administration’s laissez-faire attitude toward enforcement of immigration law. Viral images and videos have circulated on the internet showing massive numbers of immigrants crossing into the country, often without a border patrol agent in sight.

Alarming reports have arisen from Americans living in border towns, which are facing the constant threat of criminal sex and drug traffickers crossing the border. Several interviewees living along the U.S.–Mexico border say that they’re now unable to leave their homes without a firearm, and they don’t let their children out of their sight while outside.

Border patrol agents say that they’re swamped, and they’ve been unable to apprehend a large portion of illegal entrants to the country, leaving many border residents to fend for themselves.

Estimates of how many illegal aliens have entered the country since Biden took office vary, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection data show that about 2 million people illegally crossed the border in 2021, a nearly fourfold increase from illegal crossings a year earlier.

Worsening the situation, many illegal aliens who are apprehended by border security agents have since been released into the United States.

According to an October 2021 letter by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), in the January–August period in 2021, roughly 500,000 illegal aliens were released into the United States after being detained by border security.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and several other Republicans have placed the blame for the massive increase in illegal immigration on the policies of the Biden administration.

“The cause of all of this is simple,” Cruz said in an October 2021 press conference. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to enforce the law.”

During that conference, Cruz and several Senate Republican colleagues called on Biden to return to the immigration policies of Trump by restarting construction on the border wall, ending the policy of “catch and release,” and reinstituting the “Remain in Mexico” policy.
Feds Donate Trump Panels to build wall

Quote:The Texas Facilities Commission, the state office in charge of Texas border wall construction, applied in November to receive the surplus panels through the federal government’s General Service Administration, a program that allows nonprofit organizations and state and local governments to receive property the federal government no longer needs.

Francoise Luca, a spokesperson for the Facilities Commission, said the state didn’t have to disclose to the federal government that it planned to use the panels for Texas’ border wall project, adding that the state followed the surplus program’s rules.

In December, the Facilities Commission hired New York-based Posillico Civil Inc. to haul the panels from San Diego to Eagle Pass at a cost of $2 million, according to the contract awarded to the engineering firm. The company finished the job earlier this month.

Luca said the panels are being stored in “a temporary and secured area” in Maverick County under the watch of the Texas National Guard.

Click headline to read complete article
Border Patrol chief says US on track to hit 1M migrant encounters in 6 months as crisis accelerates

Border chief says 'every sector is busier' than last year

By Adam Shaw | Fox News
Published March 29, 2022 12:10pm EDT

Biden warned of 'chaos' at southern border as COVID-related policy set to expire

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz on Tuesday said that the U.S. is currently on track to hit one million migrant encounters so far in Fiscal Year 2022 – a number that shows that continued migrant traffic is already outpacing last year's staggering numbers.

"Probably in the next two or three days we’ll get over a million encounters or apprehensions along the southwest border," Ortiz said at a border security conference in San Antonio, Texas. The current fiscal year began in October.


Ortiz described a situation on the ground in which Border Patrol is short on staff, is facing additional challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and where "every sector is busier than they were back in ‘21." He also said that agents have encountered migrants from 157 different countries – an indication of the global character of the U.S. border crisis.
Jan. 23, 2022: Fox News footage shows migrants being released into the US.


Jan. 23, 2022: Migrants being released into the US. (Fox News)

There were 164,973 migrant encounters in February, up dramatically from 101,099 in Feb. 21 -- a month that preceded a massive surge in the spring and summer months. The February numbers mean that there were 838,685 encounters since the fiscal year began in October. March's numbers have not yet been released but are expected to outpace February's, which would take the number of encounters for the fiscal year to over one million, with six months still to go in the fiscal year.
DHS requesting additional Pentagon support at border Amid Fears of Massive Migrant Surge

In the entirety of FY 2021, there were over 1.7 million migrant encounters, with the majority coming in the second half of the fiscal year as encounters hit a monthly high of 213,000 in July.

The numbers overwhelmed agents and saw the introduction of methods to allow quicker release of migrants into the interior. Republicans have blamed the Biden administration's rolling back of Trump-era border security measures, but the Biden administration has instead favored an approach that targets "root causes" like poverty and violence in Central America.

VIDEO: Probe into Border Patrol agents still ongoing, 6 months after false ‘whipping’ claims

Chad Wolf: Biden, Harris owe apology to Border Agents in 'whipping' probe Video

With numbers lowering from the summer highs, but still remaining high compared to prior winter months, lawmakers and officials have warned that a surge that could outpace last year’s could be on the way -- particularly if the Biden administration ends the Title 42 public health order this week which has been used to expel about half of those migrants encountered.

Fox News reported earlier this month that DHS has put out a call for employees to volunteer at the border. On Wednesday, a top Pentagon official confirmed that DHS had asked the Department of Defense for additional support due to a potential increase in numbers.

While many top Democrats have been urging the Biden administration to end Title 42, Democratic lawmakers at the border have been urging against such a move.

"Given the impacts that changes to Title 42 could have on border communities, border security, and migrants, we urge your administration not to make any changes to Title 42 implementation until you are completely ready to execute and coordinate a comprehensive plan that ensures a secure, orderly, and humane process at the border," Arizona Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema said in a letter to President Biden last week.

Border Patrol agents apprehend illegal immigrants after they cross the Rio Grande from Mexico into the United States, in La Joya, Texas, on Jan. 14, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Biden Admin Announces End to Title 42 Illegal Immigration Rule

By Jack Phillips
April 1, 2022 Updated: April 1, 2022

The Biden administration on Friday said it will soon terminate the Title 42 public health policy that has been used for the past two years to quickly expel illegal immigrants at the southern U.S. border, amid fears of a significant wave of migrants approaching in the coming months.

“After considering current public health conditions and an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19 (such as highly effective vaccines and therapeutics), the CDC Director has determined that an Order suspending the right to introduce migrants into the United States is no longer necessary,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a statement on Friday.

Title 42 was implemented under the Trump administration as a means to quickly deport illegal aliens due to the pandemic. Both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden used the measure.

The order will now end on May 23, said the CDC, which added that the decision was made “in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security.” The agencies will now be “scaling up a program to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to migrants and prepare for resumption of regular migration under Title 8,” the CDC said.

Critics have said that removing the rule will likely draw more illegal immigrants to the U.S.–Mexico border. In February of this year, Title 42 reportedly forced the return of about 55 percent of illegal immigrants.

Among them, Republican Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich warned that rescinding Title 42 will spur a “tidal wave” of illegal immigration, according to a letter he sent to the White House this week.

“Your immigration policies have already led to the worst border crisis in our nation’s history, and now we understand that your administration is rolling back a vital policy, Title 42, which will further compromise public health and overwhelm law enforcement,” he said.

Sens. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have also expressed concerns about the decision, speaking with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday. Sinema announced that she told Mayorkas she intends to hold a hearing on the issue.

But the White House, in response to reports that the CDC would end the rule, alleged that most people who cross the border illegally won’t be able to remain in the United States.

“To be clear, most individuals who crossed the border without legal authorization will be promptly placed into removal proceedings and if they are unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the United States, they’ll be expeditiously removed,” White House communications director Kate Bedingfield told reporters on Thursday.

Over the past year, some left-wing groups and Democrat lawmakers have pressured Biden to rescind the order, while others, including the American Civil Liberties Union, have filed lawsuits to block the rule.

Ahead of the 2022 midterms, it’s likely that GOP lawmakers will attack Biden and Democrats for removing the rule in a bid to portray the party as weak on immigration and border security.

It comes as the head of the Border Patrol, Raul Ortiz, said earlier this week that the United States is slated to reach 1 million illegal immigrant encounters so far this year.

“Probably in the next two or three days we’ll get over a million encounters or apprehensions along the southwest border,” Ortiz said at the Border Security Expo in San Antonio, Texas.
Just four short days on the border in the Rio Grande Valley sector alone! ETA: And just how many "gottaways fall into this category?


And just where do you suppose they are gonna put all these folks?


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Texas Governor Gregg Abbott announces Phase 1 Action to Mitigate Massive Surge of Illegal Aliens Predicted Due to Rescinding Title 42

Texas preparing for what will be an extreme crisis with the repeal of Title 42, which provided a means for immediate expulsion of illegals during the Covid crisis.

CBP provided statistics:
1) USBP experienced 8000 "encounters" with illegals on 1 April alone!
2) USBP estimates that number would be in neighborhood of 18,000 per day upon removal of Title 42 scheduled for mid-May.
3) 1,700,000 illegals have been expelled under Title 42 since March, 2020.

Operation Lone Star has apprehended over 200,000 illegals; arrested 11,000 drug smugglers, gang members and convicted criminals on the Texas border.

Yesterday Texas National Guard advised TX legislature that $500,000,000 will be required to fund their border operations for the next 90 days (10,000 TNG troops have been activated for 1 year).

Governor Abbott announced today that the following steps will be taken starting 6 April with further actions to be announced next week.

Phase 1 to include:
1) Zero tolerance vehicle safety inspections of all commercial vehicles entering the state at border crossings. He acknowledged this will probably cause traffic delays.
2)Texas will provide charter buses to transport the expected overflow of illegals to Washington DC.

3) Boat blockades will be established at points of high traffic along the river.
4) Concertina wire will be installed at points of high foot traffic as well as cargo container blockades where appropriate.
5) Lighting will be deployed at known night crossings.
Originally Posted By: Foxpro.223Well it's about time, where has Abbott been...under a rock? Must be reelection time soon again...

Originally Posted By: fOXPRO.223Texas needs to tell the federals to go pack fudge, take over control, and secure the border from this invaision.

Ummm, you might want to read some of the past 9 pages of this thread a bit and find out where Gov. Abbott is/has been. It is getting close to election but Gov. Abbott has been front and center on the border issue from the get-go, as has our AG, Ken Paxton, who has been very busy filing lawsuits against the Biden administration's border policy as well as 2nd Amendment issues.

A few of his endeavors to stem the tide:

Texas Highway Patrol Deploys Heavily-Armed Gunboats On Rio Grande


Governor Abbott Announces Border Wall Construction Strategy

10,000 National Guard and Texas state troopers deployed to border for ‘Operation Lone Star’

Texas governor announces $250M down payment on border wall

Over 16,000 Illegal Aliens Referred, 598 Criminals Arrested in March by Texas Troopers

Lots of governors have stepped up to mitigate the damage being done to this nation by throwing open our borders, but anyone would be hard pressed to find another governor who has done more than Gov. Abbott.

Failed to mention the following conference hosted by Gov. Abbott: In addition to the nine governors who attended the conference below, from memory, SD Gov. Kristi Noem and FL Gov. Ron DeSantis (and perhaps others) have come to witness the situation in the past and the two named above sent LEO &/or state NG personnel/equipment to pitch in and lend a hand.

"Under current border policy, every state is a border state."

Governor Abbott, State Governors Outline 10-Point Plan To Combat Border Crisis

October 6, 2021 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott today held a press conference with nine other state governors in Mission, Texas to discuss the ongoing crisis at the border as well as what Texas is doing to keep communities safe in the midst of President Joe Biden's disastrous open border policies. During the press conference, Governor Abbott and the other governors discussed the far-reaching impact of the Biden administration's open border policies, particularly with the rise in fentanyl in communities across the nation. The governors also outlined a 10-point plan that President Biden can take to end the crisis.

The 10-point plan includes:

Continue Title 42 public health restrictions
Fully reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols
Finish securing the border
End catch and release
Clear the judicial backlog
Resume the deportation of all criminals
Dedicate federal resources to eradicate human trafficking and drug trafficking
Re-enter all agreements with our Northern Triangle partners and Mexico
Send a clear message to potential migrants
Deploy more federal law enforcement officers

During his remarks, Governor Abbott recognized Arizona Governor Doug Ducey for his partnership and thanked the other governors in attendance for their shared commitment to securing the border and keeping Americans safe. Governor Abbott also reiterated his commitment to surging resources in Texas' fight to secure the border, including Operation Lone Star and his own 10-point plan of actions Texas has taken to secure the border:

Signed laws providing $3 billion funding for Texas' border security efforts
Deployed thousands of National Guard and Department of Public Safety officers
Created a system to arrest and jail illegal migrants trespassing in Texas
Signed a budget authorization to build the border wall in Texas
Signed a law to make it easier to prosecute smugglers bringing people into Texas
Signed 9 laws cracking down on human trafficking in Texas
Created a law that makes it a crime to manufacture or distribute fentanyl
Issued a disaster declaration for border counties
Issued an executive order preventing non-governmental entities from transporting illegal immigrants
Continuing to enforce the Remain in Mexico and Title 42 policies in Texas

Prior to the press conference, Governor Abbott and Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Executive Director Steve McCraw hosted the state governors for a briefing on what Texas is doing to secure the border.

Governor Abbott was joined at the press conference by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Idaho Governor Brad Little, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte, Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw, Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd, Texas Military Department Adjutant General Tracy Norris and Deputy Adjutant General Monie R. Ulis, and National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd.

"The Biden Administration's open border policies have led to complete chaos at the southern border, and pose a threat to the safety of Texans and all Americans," said Governor Abbott. "Texas has stepped up to keep our communities safe and mitigate this crisis ourselves, and our efforts have been made stronger by the support and assistance of governors from across the nation. I thank the state governors who are here with me today for their support and for visiting the border to see firsthand the ramifications of President Biden's disastrous policies. Together, we are sending a strong message to the Biden Administration that we will not tolerate their refusal to secure the border — and we will continue to do whatever it takes to keep our communities safe."

"We’re not going to sit around while Biden refuses to act," said Governor Ducey. "We’ve tried to meet with the president and be part of the solution, but he refuses. No, worse — he ignores us, just like he’s ignoring the border and the well-being of the American people. If the president won’t meet with us, then we’ll share our policy ideas today. Hopefully he will hear our solutions and begin to act."

"When we see this type of mass influx of migrants to our state, the cartels profit by exploiting the situation," said DPS Director Steve McCraw. "Unless we act, there is no stopping them from reaching communities across the country with their drugs and violence. Governor Abbott has made it very clear, Texas is going to lean forward and take a stand. We are grateful for his leadership and the continued support of our partners, both here in our state and across the country, in making sure we secure our southern border."

In June 2021, the State of Texas and the State of Arizona invoked the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Under this interstate compact, Governor Abbott and Governor Ducey asked other states to send law enforcement officials and equipment to help mitigate the ongoing border crisis.

Two groups of over 100 illegals each were apprehended @ La Joya, Tx. and another group of over 100 were caught @ Del Rio, Tx. that same day recently.

Multiple gang members have been arrested along with convicted sex offenders and other criminals daily, and no telling how many others evade capture among the thousands of "gottaways".

Notice the fourth from left, front row displaying what I believe to be a gang symbol but not sure. Can anyone shed any light on this.

Gov. Abbott has already dispatched charter buses to various cities around the state whose mayors have requested them in order to ship the many illegals dumped on their cities by the feds.

No word yet if any have actually been shipped, but the word from these mayors is that there have been no more illegals dumped on them since their request for buses.

Looks like the Title 42 Surge has begun

This is from one small town in Starr county only in the RGV BP sector:


Stand by to direct traffic!
The first "Gov. Abbott" Busload of illegals arriving in DC on 13 April after a 3 day trip from Del Rio, TX with a 2nd busload en-route. WTG Governor!



Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks during a meeting in Houston, Texas, on Oct. 27, 2021. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

Federal-State Relations

First Texas Bus Drops Off Illegal Immigrants Near US Capitol
By Zachary Stieber
April 13, 2022 Updated: April 14, 2022

The first bus carrying illegal immigrants from Texas arrived in Washington on April 13.

The illegal aliens were dropped off between Union Station and the U.S. Capitol, according to the office of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“As the federal government continues to turn a blind eye to the border crisis, the State of Texas will remain steadfast in our efforts to fill in the gaps and keep Texans safe,” Abbott said in a statement. “By busing migrants to Washington, D.C., the Biden administration will be able to more immediately meet the needs of the people they are allowing to cross our border. Texas should not have to bear the burden of the Biden administration’s failure to secure our border.”

Abbott, a Republican, directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management earlier this month to begin coordinating “voluntary transportation” to Washington and other locations outside Texas of immigrants released from federal custody.

The bus that arrived on Wednesday was filled with immigrants who came from Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, Abbott’s office said.

Footage captured by Fox News showed the immigrants getting off the bus several blocks from the Capitol at approximately 8:13 a.m.

It wasn’t clear which officials were processing the immigrants.

The Texas division declined to comment, as did U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Two men in khakis and black, collared shirts greeted the immigrants and gave them cell phones as they got off. They also looked up information from a wristband that each person wore. They exchanged hugs and handshakes with the aliens after processing them.

Everybody getting off the bus had a manila folder.

Many were men.

Luis Alberto, a Venezuelan national who was on the bus, told NTD that the group crossed the border into Texas on April 12 after being robbed by cartels and Mexican police officers.

“When we got to Texas we had nothing because they had taken everything. We heard there was help, and a bus to Washington, and there would be someone to facilitate travel, because in Texas there is no help,” he said as to why the immigrants agreed to get on the bus.


Catholic Charities assisted the immigrants after they got off the bus.
Epoch Times Photo
Catholic Charities workers assist the illegal immigrants who were bussed from Texas to Washington on April 13, 2022. (NTD Television)

Most of the immigrants are going to other areas, Sister Sharlet Wagner, executive director of the Newcomer Network which the charity runs, told NTD.

“Most of them do have family or friends in the place where they really want to go. We’re happy to help them if they want to stay here. Most are choosing to move on,” she said.

Organizers bought food for the immigrants and bus tickets for those who want to go elsewhere.

Abbott announced the plan during a press conference on April 6. He said it was necessary because Texas has been “overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden administration” and transporting them to the capitol of the United States would allow the federal government “to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border.”

Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the United States has recorded an unprecedented number of illegal immigrant encounters at the U.S.–Mexico border.

There are few signs the flood is waning. Both critics and supporters of Biden’s treatment of the border say a spike is expected when Title 42, a pandemic-era authority, expires in May.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki previously called Abbott’s bussing plan a “publicity stunt.”

Asked about Wednesday’s arrival, she told reporters in Washington that “these are all migrants who have been processed by CBP and are free to travel so it’s nice the state of Texas is helping them get to their final destination as they await the outcome of their immigration proceedings.” CBP stands for Customs and Border Protection.

Abbott’s office says a second bus is en route to Washington.
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Joe said don't worry the taxpayers are GIVING free smart phones and debit cards in the swag bags to all illegals who have crossed the border. So they can be "tracked". Totally different from the Obama phones that taxpayers funded. I still can't believe there is anyone who falls for this S__T and votes for, whatever these "people" are ideology wise. I really hate having to hold back, how I feel about the left.
Isn't it incredible that Gov. Abbott has secured an agreement with the four adjoining state governors to our south to assist Texas in stopping illegal traffic across the Rio Grande in just a few short days by inspecting every truck crossing into the US.

Read article (w/videos) at link above:

Gov. Abbott signs agreement with fourth Mexican governor on border security, ending total commercial truck inspections
Christian Aleman - Yesterday 5:55 PM
23 Known Terrorists Arrested on Southern Border in 2021
According to Fox News reports:


Fox News screenshots

Other information reported by Fox:
1) CBP reported 300,000 known "Getaways" during that time period.
2) Estimated "getaways" were placed at 500-600,000.
3) Total encounters on southern border last year exceeded 2,000,000.

In another Fox report, March, 2022 encounters were 221,303.
Of these encounters, CBP reported 80,116 were released into the US and 109,549 were expelled under title 42 (Which expires in May).

It was also reported that last spring, ICE spent $17,000,000 renting hotel rooms to house illegals due to overflow of their detention facilities.


Fox News screenshot