And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

Apparently there is a massive sanctuary being setup for thousands of illegal aliens.

Texas housing development believed to be housing thousands of illegal immigrants

A Texas land developer has established a sprawling settlement north of Houston where thousands of illegal immigrants are believed to have settled after crossing over the southern border.

Gov. Abbott, You Have a Serious Problem in Your Backyard

Matt Vespa
September 19, 2023 12:45 PM
4000 illegal aliens, mostly adult males from Venezuela, crossed the Rio Grande River @ Eagle Pass, Tx. this day! The Democrat Mayor of Eagle Pass has declared an emergency.


Fox News Screen shot
According to Bill Melugen of Fox News crossings such as this went on for hours under Mexican military scrutiny but no effort was made to interfere.


Fox News Screenshot
Melugen spoke with some of the illegals who stated that they thought another train load was on the way to El Paso.

Meanwhile a large group of Haitians rushed the southern Mexican border at Tapachula, Mx on their way to the US.


Fox News Screenshot

Thousands of Venezuelan migrants gather under Texas bridge as border numbers skyrocket

Edit to add:
NYC, according to Mayor Adams is "overwhelmed" w/90,000 illegals arriving "since spring" according to NPR. The end of spring being June 20th so that would indicate "since spring" to translate to 41 days. The population of NYC is currently 8,335,897 divided by 90,000 = 1 alien per every 92.6 NYC resident arriving in 41 days!

Eagle pass received 4,000 illegals today! The population of Eagle pass is 28,255 divided by 4000 = 1 alien per every 7 Eagle Pass residents. And that is in one day!

Cry me a river, Mayor Adams, we can use the water.

Illegal crossings reached 2,400,000 so far this fiscal year and August illegal crossings broke previous records at 232,000.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked "How many people coming into this country is enough?" at yesterdays press conference, which she artfully sidestepped as usual. (Border discussion starts @ 42:49)

Apparently 2,400,000 is not enough:

Biden secretly has let 221,456 migrants fly into the US in past year

Quote: Illegal migrants aren't just overwhelming the border — President Biden is flying them secretly to airports around the country.

More than 200,000 people from four countries have landed over the past year, according to data obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Newly arrived migrants causing chaos at regional airports

Texas Governor accuses Biden administration of cutting razor wire at border: ‘Opening the floodgates’

Quote:“I immediately deployed more Texas National Guard to repel illegal crossings & install more razor wire,” the Republican governor added.

Migrants crossing US border rising, reaching more than 8,000 apprehensions

Quote:The latest number of daily encounters paints a grim outlook for the fall as President Joe Biden ramps up his reelection campaign and Republicans continue to hammer the administration over its handling of border crossings.

El Paso is on the ‘cusp of a third wave’ of migrant arrivals ......local shelters are over capacity, nonprofit official says

Quote:CNN-Migrant crossings along the United States’ southern border are rising, reaching more than 8,000 apprehensions on Monday, according to a Department of Homeland Security official, straining federal resources and overwhelming already-crowded facilities.

Texas mayor slams Biden for silence on border crisis: 'We're here abandoned'

Quote:Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas told CNN's "OutFront" Thursday that he declared a state of emergency in his city of 30,000 people after 5,000 migrants crossed over the border into the city from Piedras Negras, Mexico. Salinas said Biden has "abandoned" border communities and complained that no one from the White House has reached out amid the crisis.

Meanwhile, Gov. Abbott deploys Texas National Guard to replace razor wire cut by Biden administration and also in rubber boats to discourage illegal crossings at Eagle Pass. Fox News Screen Shots:

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The following screen shots from Fox News show a person in BDU's, presumably one of the 800 active military sent to the border by the president, (see blue circle added on screen shots) assisting illegals who have successfully penetrated the razor wire, placed by Texas NG, over a container box by placing a ladder (first on river side to let the illegals reach top of container, then switching the ladder to the opposite side to let them climb to the ground, thus proceed to claim amnesty.


Next screen shot shows first of several illegals reaching top of container.

WSJ Opinion: As Border Crossings Rise, Biden Lets Venezuelans Work
Originally Posted By: Gov. Greg Abbott
MISSION: Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Texas National Guard continue to work together to secure the border; stop the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and people into Texas; and prevent, detect, and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry.

STATUS: Thousands of brave men and women risk their lives daily as part of this mission to defend the Texas border and deliver results in the absence of support from the Biden-Harris Administration.

• 457,000+ illegal immigrant apprehensions
• 34,000+ criminal arrests
• 31,000+ felony charges reported
• 429 million lethal doses of fentanyl seized
• 40,000+ migrants bused to self-declared “sanctuary cities”
• Razor wire and floating marine barriers deployed
Must be some mistake. I'm told -regularly I might add- that these are all hard working, family oriented people looking to improve their lives & asylum seekers in search of better lives.
Yeah, right! Under Operation Lone Star, Gov. Abbott has authorized TX DPS to arrest illegals who are trespassing on private property. Don't have the numbers but they are in the thousands arrested; many with gang tattoos; just last couple of days two were arrested with the tear drop tattoos on their face indicating they have murdered someone and are proud of it, so...hard working family men??....yeah, right!
It’s a wonder that the Ranchers in Texas haven’t begun to take matters in their own hands. One sure Fire way to stop illegal border crossings is to set up M60’s 200 yards apart with overlapping fire. Do this along the whole border and problem will go away. I got banned from Twitter for making this suggestion.
Gotta make room for all the incoming gang members, ya know!!!

Meanwhile at the southern border:

* 260,000 illegal crossings in September
* Over 6,000,000 illegal crossings since Biden took office
* Eagle Pass & Del Rio illegal crossings running 800/day, 29,000 per month
* Illegal crossings at Brownsville jumped to 3,000 in the past 2 days
* 200,000 illegals crossed the US/Mexican border in the past month

Federal Agency Waives 26 Laws to Allow Border Wall Construction

The Biden administration has shifted its stance, waiving federal laws to fast-track construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall in Starr County, Texas.

By Caden Pearson

The Biden administration, in an about-face to its previous stance, declared Wednesday that there was an "immediate need" to expedite the construction of U.S.-Mexico border walls in Starr County, Texas, in response to the ever-growing number of illegal entries by migrants.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said he will waive dozens of federal regulations—26 in total—in order to fast-track the construction of roads and barriers along the southern border in Texas.

The new barriers will be built within the Border Patrol's Rio Grande Valley Sector. These areas were designated "high illegal entry" zones and construction efforts will focus on these locations.

Related Stories:
10,000 Illegal Immigrants to Arrive Daily at US Border, Warns Mexican President

Another Record Setting Number of Illegal Border Crossings in September

These areas encompass the vicinity of the Falcon Dam, the Arroyo Morteros Tract, the Las Ruinas Tract, the Arroyo Ramirez Tract, intersections of major roads like Perez Road and U.S. Highway 83, as well as various tracts within the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge.

Mr. Mayorkas issued the waiver and determination on Wednesday (pdf) citing U.S. Border Patrol figures that show more than 245,000 migrants have illegally crossed the border at Starr County since early August.

"There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States," Mr. Mayorkas said. "Therefore, I must use my authority under section 102 of IIRIRA to install additional physical barriers and roads in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. Therefore, DHS will take immediate action to construct barriers and roads."
Large Groups of Illegal Immigrants Cross Rio Grande in Texas

DHS intends to fund the construction project using appropriations allocated by Congress during the Trump administration in 2019 for the purpose of building the border wall in the Rio Grande Valley.

In order to build the walls and roads to deter illegal immigration, Mr. Mayorkas determined that it is necessary, under Section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), to “waive certain laws, regulations, and other legal requirements.”

The waived statutes include several environmental and conservation laws, such as the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, among others. While the waiver grants exceptions to a wide range of statutes, DHS noted that it does not revoke or supersede any previously granted waivers issued pursuant to Section 102(c) of IIRIRA.

Mr. Mayorkas retained the authority to issue more waivers if he deems it necessary to meet the objectives outlined in the legislation.
Need for Border Wall

Republicans, such as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, have blamed Biden administration policies for the unprecedented illegal immigration numbers, such as rolling back Trump-era measures and ending border wall construction.

In early 2021, the Biden administration stopped the ongoing construction of a border wall after the Democratic president took office. He contended that former President Donald Trump's focus on constructing the wall was misguided and an example of his purported inability to secure the border and manage immigration.

On Monday, Mexico's president warned that the United States will soon see around 10,000 migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border every day. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that his warning is based on the number of migrants crossing from Guatemala into Mexico every day for the past week.

Mexico, which is the United States' largest trading partner, provides a government-run bus service, sending migrants from the country's southern region to its northern border with the United States.

Mr. Mayokas's announcement also comes one day ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Mexico, where he and other administration officials will meet with officials to discuss shared security, health, and public safety issues.

On Wednesday, Mr. Blinken said that the United States and Mexico share a "mutual responsibility" regarding the current fentanyl and illegal immigration crisis that must be tackled through cooperation between the two countries.

A synthetic opioid, fentanyl can be 50 times stronger than heroin and was responsible for 70 percent of deaths by overdose or poisoning in 2022. Enough fentanyl has been trafficked into the United States through the southern border to kill every American citizen, with the Drug Enforcement Administration saying it has seized more than 387.9 million potentially lethal doses in 2022.
Actually what the Obama/Biden administration want to do is increase how quickly they can move illegals into the interior of the country. The last election was decided by 30,000 votes. The next will be decided by several million illegals voting in numerous states that will allow illegals to vote "local" elections, but not investigate balloting "irregularities" until after the president is certified. Obama wants to flip a few red states if possible, makes constitutional law changes possible. All for 2030, when the U.S. goes to unelected governance.
Originally Posted By: spotstalkshootActually what the Obama/Biden administration want to do is increase how quickly they can move illegals into the interior of the country. The last election was decided by 30,000 votes. The next will be decided by several million illegals voting in numerous states that will allow illegals to vote "local" elections, but not investigate balloting "irregularities" until after the president is certified. Obama wants to flip a few red states if possible, makes constitutional law changes possible. All for 2030, when the U.S. goes to unelected governance.

There is no doubt that allowing this illegal invasion is deliberate. Illegals crossing at Brownsville has spiked again in recent days while Gov. Abbott is building Texas' own wall @ Ft. Brown in Brownsville, where thousands have and have recently resumed crossing.

Thousands of asylum-seekers are again crossing into Brownsville, Texas

Texas border city struggles with large arrival of migrants
Quote: The pace of arrivals in Brownsville appeared to catch the city on the southernmost tip of Texas off guard, stretching social services and putting an overnight shelter in an uncommon position of turning people away. Officials say more than 15,000 migrants, mostly from Venezuela, have illegally crossed the river near Brownsville since last week.

A local motel, where charter busses seem to be "headquartering" daily to handle the illegal traffic headed north is a testament to this flood of illegals this morning. Where there are normally 5-6 busses in the parking lot at any given time, this morning there were 9 visible in the parking lot. The most I could get in one frame was 7.



Reminiscent of the old song "California, here I come"; today's version should be, "New York City, here I come".

Just so you know, Texas has stepped up to fill in many of the gaps left in the border wall when Biden shut down all work thereon:

Texas Border Wall Construction Status

This is an older news story to give you an idea of the situation in the lower Rio Grande Valley:
Between President Trump's Border Wall And The Rio Grande Lies A 'No Man's Land'

Border Wall What you need to know about the border wall

News about Biden's reversal on his, "Not a foot of Trump's wall will be built under my administration" policy has overshadowed all MSM news of Texas' construction of a wall @ Brownsville's abandoned Ft. Brown golf course where thousands of illegals have crossed recently.

Hope someone is standing by to direct all of this latest flood of illegal traffic headed for all points north.
Watching what is going on in Israel, and on our southern border, can't help but wonder about all the illegals entering our country. Authorities claim the ones that claim amnesty are vetted, but some point out that it is almost impossible to vet some of those coming in as there are no records in the country from which they (claim) to be from.

Screen shots below show some statistics reported on TV just today by Fox News:



And if that is not enough to cause a bit of concern, consider that:


According to CBP, "known gotaways" are those illegals, actually spotted by LEOs and/or picked up on security cameras who managed to evade capture when crossing into this country illegally.

When it is common knowledge that due to the overwhelming number of illegal entries, CBP is overwhelmed at the border and are simply releasing huge numbers with an assigned court date. That being the case, why would anyone not turn themselves in and request assylum rather than evading capture? Just sayin.

Hamas Calls on Muslims Around the World to 'Mobilize' on Friday

Quote:Hamas is calling for a worldwide mobilization of Muslims on Friday to support what it called “the jihad waging Gaza.”

“Answer the call, muster all your energies, and mobilize in numbers, both light and heavy,” Hamas said in a statement Tuesday, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Pro-Palestinian student group plans national 'day of resistance,' calls for 'mass mobilization'

Quote:Colleges and Universities such as Rutgers, the University of Virginia, Ohio State University, the University of Massachusets Amherst, Kent State University, New York University, University of North Carolina, University of Illinois, Butler and Purdue are holding a demonstration, some are calling it a "teach in," in support of the Palestinians, according to posts on both the national SJP's Instagram as well as their collegiate chapters.

And how is this related to the southern border crisis?

Officials apprehend two Lebanese nationals at southern border, amid terror concerns

Quote:The two men in their early to mid-20s from Lebanon were apprehended in Eagle Pass, Texas. Sources said they are considered "special interest aliens" and are currently undergoing extensive background vetting, including by the FBI.

"Special interest aliens" are people from countries identified by the U.S. government as having conditions that promote or protect terrorism or potentially pose some sort of national security threat to the U.S.

CBP has also apprehended an Egyptian man in his 40s. Separately. In the Rio Grande Valley Sector, CBP officials have apprehended 19 Iranians and 17 Syrians since Monday.

This article is difficult to read (on my computer) as the header & headline takes up over half the screen. Quick fix is to cut and paste the article in Word or on a new email to view full screen.
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