And So Goes the Crisis on the Southern Border****UPDATED 23 OCTOBER 2024

Chinese Nationals Flood US Southern Border Amid CCP Espionage Concerns


Border Patrol agents detain a group of migrants near the border wall after they entered the United States from Ciudad Juarez on Feb. 3, 2022. (Herika Martinez/AFP via Getty Images)

By Autumn Spredemann
April 6, 2023Updated: April 7, 2023

In the wake of China abandoning its strict “zero COVID” policy, U.S. border officials have recorded a surge of Chinese immigrants crossing the southern border this year.

Between Oct. 1, 2022, and the end of February this year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered nearly 3,000 Chinese nationals. This represents a more than 700 percent spike from the same period in 2022.

A second analysis by Axios put that number at more than 4,000 for 2023.

In February alone, there were 1,368 encounters with illegal Chinese immigrants. By contrast, U.S. border agents recorded just 55 encounters during the same month in 2022.
Epoch Times Photo

Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) is shown around the offices of Chinese tech firm Huawei technologies by its President Ren Zhengfei in London during his state visit on Oct. 21, 2015. (Matthew Lloyd/AFP via Getty Images)

Analysts say the deepening income gap in China combined with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) draconian pandemic lockdowns is driving the surge in migration.

The ominous arrival of a new wave of Chinese illegal immigrants occurs against the backdrop of an ongoing battle against CCP agent espionage on American soil.

Since 2019, U.S. universities have become ground zero for spy activities involving CCP actors.

Reports of espionage and the unlawful exchange of information have been linked to at least five U.S. colleges across Texas, California, Kansas, Massachusetts, and Illinois in the past four years.

In October 2022, U.S. prosecutors charged 13 Chinese nationals for attempting to “unlawfully exert influence in the United States” on behalf of the CCP.

“No country poses a greater, more severe or long-term threat to our national security and economic prosperity than China,” FBI agent, Joseph Bonavolonta told reporters after a Texas professor was accused of spying for the benefit of the CCP.

He added, “China’s communist government’s goal, simply put, is to replace the United States as the world superpower.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced legislation to stop Chinese spies in American education with the Stop Higher Education Espionage and Theft Act as a counter maneuver, saying, “China is the single greatest geopolitical threat facing the United States, and the CCP is a profoundly malign influence.”

Arriving in the wake of U.S. university spy attacks was the notorious spy balloon event earlier this year. On Feb. 4, U.S. military officials shot down an alleged Chinese surveillance balloon over the coast of South Carolina.

That was the same month Chinese illegal immigrant encounters at the U.S. southern border soared more than 900 percent.
Better Options

The United States grants asylum to Chinese nationals at a comparatively high rate. Government data shows 58 percent of Chinese illegals are given asylum upon request.

By contrast, Chilean and Brazilian asylum seekers are granted at a rate of 15 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

And while analysts say higher numbers of illegal immigrants from China carry similar risks as other groups, some think the CCP has better options for intelligence operations than asylum seekers.

“Illegal migration is not the optimal method for spies to get in because it’s risky, [and] attracts more scrutiny,” Irina Tsukerman, security analyst and founder of Scarab Rising, told The Epoch Times.

Tsukerman says illegal immigrants aren’t ideal for collecting the type of intelligence the CCP wants due to a high probability of legal entanglement and apprehension by border officials.

She says it’s Chinese nationals who arrive with legitimate U.S. visas who are the ones to watch.

“Legal migrants with ties to the home country, who are more likely to come back for visits, are better targets for intelligence recruitment—particularly if they have positions in universities, research labs, or companies where they may acquire influence or information desired by Beijing,” Tsukerman said.

Though she believes the wave of Chinese migrants heading for the U.S. southern border is problematic just the same.
Epoch Times Photo
United States Border Patrol agent Carlos Rivera is reflected in the window of a vehicle as he speaks to another agent along the border wall in downtown El Paso, Texas, on June 3, 2022. (Paul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images)

“The Chinese migrants crossing the southern borders carry the same risk as any other category of people. In the case of China’s gangs and organized crimes, the southern border has become a welcoming sign for fentanyl trafficking.

“Human trafficking often goes hand in hand with drug smuggling.”

But U.S. immigration attorney Min Hwan Ahn noted it’s important to avoid generalizing asylum seekers.

“Given last year’s incidents involving espionage charges against 13 immigrants, it is reasonable for legislators to be concerned about potential
security risks associated with illegal immigration from China,” Ahn told The Epoch Times.

As the founder of EZ485, a visa application and assistance service, Ahn has witnessed America’s immigration crisis up close. He asserts U.S. officials should strive to uphold national security, but maintain a compassionate approach to solutions.

“It’s crucial for authorities to strike a balance between ensuring national security and upholding humanitarian values when dealing with migrants seeking asylum or refuge,” he said.

“This includes thorough background checks and vetting processes while also providing necessary support for those genuinely
fleeing persecution or seeking better opportunities.”
Just The Beginning?

Motives aside, it appears the mass migration of Chinese nationals toward the U.S. border isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

In the first 60 days of this year, Panama border officials reported 2,200 illegal Chinese immigrants entering the country and heading north from the treacherous Darien Gap, a broad swath of jungle defining the border with Colombia that’s part of the migrant caravan route.

Some have cited the CCP’s pandemic response and the subsequent economic fallout as the impetus for the spike in Chinese nationals migrating overseas.

“The damage to the Chinese economy compared to four or five years ago is just so devastating for low-skilled workers,” Liang Zai, a U.S. sociology professor who also studies Chinese migration, told Axios reporters.

Others can’t bear to live another day in the shadow of the CCP’s COVID-19 lockdowns, which prompted Shanghai residents to scream for release in a haunting cacophony during an April confinement episode last April.

But Tsukerman said it’s important to remember, “Not everyone fleeing is doing so due to political repression.”

Though she said Beijing’s politics have definitely triggered the new wave of migration, “Pandemic policies, as well as the increasingly inward-looking political and economic restructuring, have had a significant impact on China’s economy.”

Ahn agreed with this sentiment.

“Political tensions and crackdowns on dissent within China may have prompted some individuals to seek asylum or refuge in the United States.”
In addition to the apprehension numbers reported by CBP today, note the banner at bottom of screenshots of Fox News report of southern border activity this date.



Quote: The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. law and obtaining citizenship for their offspring, nor obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense. Current estimates indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year before 1965.

Australia rescinded birthright citizenship in 2007, as did New Zealand in 2006, Ireland in 2005, France in 1993, and the United Kingdom in 1983. This leaves the United States and Canada as the only remaining industrialized nations to grant automatic citizenship to every person born within the borders of the country, irrespective of their parents' nationality or immigration status.

The 14th Amendment

This website serves to explain the original intent of the Fourteenth (14th) Amendment to the US Constitution, and how it is currently misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be sufficient and is urgently warranted.
Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part of the Answer

By James Varney and RealClearInvestigations
April 21, 2023Updated: April 21, 2023

News Analysis

In New York City, if the newcomers aren’t put up at the luxury cruise terminal that served the QE2, they could get $700-a-night midtown hotel accommodations with iconic Manhattan views. In Chicago, they found themselves whisked to suburban lodgings. In Denver, officials refer to them discreetly as “guests” and you needn’t bother inquiring about their inns or addresses.

The people enjoying these free digs aren’t privacy-conscious jet-setters, but the secrecy surrounding them might be comparable: They’re some of the millions of migrants who have illegally crossed into the United States since the Biden administration relaxed most border controls.

No one knows exactly how many people have poured across the southwestern U.S. border since President Biden took office, or where they’ve gone since. The official number of encounters by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) stands at 5.2 million people, logged over the last two full federal fiscal years and fiscal 2023 through March. But that number is imprecise because it includes repeat encounters with the same people and omits the many who slipped into the country unnoticed by border agents.

Under President Biden, the United States smashed past the 200,000 monthly encounters mark for the first time in July 2021 and it has repeatedly topped that record in the months since. By comparison, in fiscal 2020, which ended a month before Biden’s defeat of President Trump, the United States averaged 38,174 monthly encounters at the border, according to CBP figures.

Because of an official lack of transparency, all those people and the circumstances by which they have arrived and remained have made it hard to take stock of the historic influx. Through midnight flights and buses from the border to far-flung locales, the administration has made it difficult to identify where the migrants are now living and receiving services. Also unclear are the costs associated with the arrivals.

But flares have been sent up—especially over immigrant sanctuary cities like New York, Denver, and Chicago, which have long promised to house migrants. While those cities are providing housing and other services for a small fraction of the recent migrants, the costs are significant for these budget-strapped metropolises.

Denver plans to spend $20 million in the first six months of this year to provide housing to migrants. Officials say this works out to between $800 and $1,000 per week per person.

In January the state of Illinois turned down Chicago’s request for more funds, saying it had already spent close to $120 million on its “asylum seeker emergency response”—or roughly $33,000 per migrant.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has asked for more than $500 million in federal aid, while pegging the city’s spending at between $2 billion and $3 billion.

Other data points of the opaque costs of Biden-era illegal immigration include Massachusetts’ estimate that it will need $28 million to launch a program to provide driver’s licenses to undocumented residents. The state is seeking a share of the omnibus spending bill passed by Democrats in December 2022 when they controlled both houses of Congress, which included $800 million for cities grappling with the influx.

These numbers are incomplete in part because it is hard to separate the added cost of recent migrants from costs for the millions of undocumented immigrants who were in the country before the recent surge.

A March study by the conservative Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that, after accounting for taxes paid by undocumented migrants, they cost taxpayers over $150 billion per year—a 30 percent increase since 2017.

Yet FAIR acknowledges the problem of fixing costs has become more difficult, given the record-breaking numbers of illegal crossers in the past two and a half years and efforts by some government agencies to mask their spending.

“We often had to grapple with a paucity of easily accessible official data,” the report notes. “Many state and federal entities do not publish detailed data that they collect, making it difficult to reliably separate illegal aliens from citizens of lawful immigrants. We have also encountered cases where the current administration has revoked or restricted documents published by previous administrations in order to reduce the visibility of data which shines a negative light on their immigration policy agenda.”

Those totals also involve far more than simple food and board. To arrive at its staggering sum, FAIR includes estimates of the costs in education, health care, and law enforcement.

“The irony is not only are these sanctuary jurisdictions turning to Washington with their hands out, but that they still refuse to join with governors like Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis in demanding that the federal government take decisive steps to stanch the influx of new migrants,” FAIR spokesman Ira Mehlman told Real Clear Investigations (RCI), referring to the Republican chief executives of Texas and Florida, respectively. “The obvious hypocrisy of declaring yourself a sanctuary jurisdiction while complaining about the costs and burdens associated with it are undeniable.”

Groups that favor more relaxed border security measures, such as the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights and the American Immigration Council, did not respond to RCI’s request for comment; the liberal Brookings Institution declined to comment.

Cities housing many migrants have a hard time estimating costs. New York Mayor Adams has asked for more than $500 million in federal aid, while pegging the city’s spending one time at $2 billion and another time at $3 billion. Those are the sorts of bills New York has racked up putting what they call “asylum seekers” or “migrants” in hotels.

And Adams, whose requests sometimes include the claim “we are all in this together,” wants to spend even more. This month, he floated the idea of paying college tuition for illegal immigrants if they attend New York state schools outside the city.

Using Adams’ own number of some 40,000 illegal immigrants that New York City has foot the bills for, it means taxpayers are spending roughly $150,000 per person to host new arrivals. In March, City Hall scaled back its count of the number of its immigrants to 12,700, which meant the taxpayers’ were spending nearly $5 million a day to take care of them, according to a New York Post analysis.

The Office of the New York City Public Advocate, which helps immigrants navigate the benefits available to them, did not respond to multiple requests for comment. A spokeswoman for Adams declined to address questions about spending, pointing instead to various links the city maintains for immigrants and noting the city has expanded a New York County Supreme Court decision in 1981 regarding shelter for homeless people to cover immigrants.

Whatever the current official number of illegal immigrants New York is dealing with it is but a fraction of those that have poured into various Texas communities along the border.

Officials at El Paso’s City Hall, one of the ground zeroes in the illegal immigration crush, did not respond to phone calls and emails seeking comment on its spending. But Gov. Abbott said his Operation Lone Star, launched in March 2021, has “allocated more than $4 billion to do the federal government’s job and secure the border,” Abbott’s spokesman Andrew Mahaleris said.

It was Abbott who began busing illegal immigrants to some of the sanctuary cities that declare themselves so welcoming, such as New York, Denver, and Chicago.

“Texas began busing migrants to sanctuary cities last April to provide relief to our overrun and overwhelmed border communities,” Mahaleris said. “Mayors Adams, [Muriel] Bowser and [Lori] Lightfoot were all too happy to tout their sanctuary city statuses until Texas bused over 16,900 migrants, collectively, to their self-declared sanctuary. Instead of complaining about dealing with a fraction of the border crisis Texas communities see every day, these hypocrites should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border—something the president continues failing to do.”

Lightfoot, departing as mayor of Chicago after her defeat in February, first turned to Illinois for millions to help the Windy City cope with its several thousand illegal immigrants Texas provided. In January, however, the state turned her down, saying it had already spent close to $120 million on its “asylum seeker emergency response.”

That response came last September when Illinois Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued an “emergency disaster proclamation.” His proclamation and the words of other state leaders presented a schizophrenic picture in which they portray Illinois as a “welcoming beacon of hope” and complain they weren’t given “official advance warning.”

Most of the money Illinois spent—more than $61.5 million, or roughly $31,000 per immigrant—went to contracts with organizations or staff “who provided on site case management and other services at multiple locations.”

Illinois dropped another $8 million on “interim housing,” nearly $4 million on “health screenings for asylum seekers, and more than $29 million on “hotel, transportation and housing costs,” according to their breakdown.

Nowhere did Pritzker or Lightfoot question the wisdom of the Biden administration’s border policies, and there was no indication they understood the burdens that had been put on border cities and states. Instead, the unmistakable message was that if illegal immigrants were going to be sent where the “welcoming beacon” shone, other people should pay for it.

“They can say all that is for free, but now they’re finding out they can’t have a welfare society and an open border,” said Lora Reis, the director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Denver held a budget “transparency and equity” meeting earlier this month at which Chief Financial Officer Margaret Danuser said the city will have spent between $17 million and $20 million on housing and other services for between 5,000 and 6,000 illegal immigrants between December 2022 and this June. The city hoped to get federal taxpayers to reimburse it for $2.8 million, and a Colorado state fund for another $3.5 million.

Those figures show Denver spent about the same as Chicago at roughly $33,000 per immigrant, costs that are still far below New York City’s.

“None of these sanctuary mayors or governors have ever asked for a secure border. It was always just, ‘Feds, give us money!’” said Reis.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
House Homeland Security Committee Holds A Field Hearing Called 'Secretary Mayorkas’ Border Crisis'

Must watch video of recent congressional committee hearing on the border crisis, conducted in Pharr, Texas last month.
Of the 15 Democrat committee members, all of whom were invited, NONE attended! LISTING OF HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS

Some very interesting disclosures in the video that have not been
publicized in the media are such facts as the IED placed by the cartels targeting US border enforcement agents and the known 35,000 cartel drone flights along the southern border, only 10,000 of which were intercepted in 2022. CBP in the Rio Grande Valley sector has 31 drones, only 18 operational currently and of the 7 Aerostats assigned, three were decommissioned early this year and funding for the remaining four will end by the end of the year.

6 May 2023

A few screen shots from KRGVTV News, of the current border conditions @ Brownsville, Tx.

Described as the "challenge on the border" (Mayorka's words from his visit to Brownsville, Tx. yesterday, not mine):


A look at the illegal migrant encampment located in Matamoros, Mexico from the US side of the Rio Grande @ Brownsville, Tx. It is estimated that there are 7000 illegals awaiting the end of title 42 in Matamoros alone.


Resulting discarded rubbish left on the north bank of the Rio Grande River by those who have passed before (2,300 on the fifth of May, 30,000 since mid April, mostly from Venezuela). Since Biden administration, 7 million illegals have entered the US according to Fox News and there have been 110,000 fentanyl deaths during the same time period.


But don't worry, DHS has sent your tax dollars to handle this current "challenge" illustrated above. No word as to how long this will last, nor how much is or will be sent to your neighborhood to cover those being processed and released with orders to appear for a hearing sometime in the future at an undetermined location. Backlog for these hearings are rumored to be somewhere in the 7 year range currently and those so released are to advise the authorities as to their contact information once that is determined. What could go wrong here?

Fox News screen shot predicts things to come.

Oh, also to remedy the expected surge, the administration has ordered Federal troops (numbering 1,500 army and marines) to assist USCBP (with processing duties) to El Paso, Tx.

These troops will help reinforce the 2500 federal troops, Texas DPS troopers and Texas National Guard troops (on the Texas payroll) already on duty along the south Texas border.
VIDEOS: Texas Deploys More Troopers, National Guard to Border as 24K Migrants Cross in 2 Weeks
8 May 2023

Biden Border Policy:

The vast majority of illegals turn themselves in, but there were 18,600 "Gotaways" last week! How many of these were carrying fentanyl, have criminal records, or perhaps wannabe terrorists? Otherwise why would they not take the easy route, turn themselves in, receive a welcome package from the good old USA and free transport to any location they wish?

Title 42 ends this week. There have been 2.6 million illegals deported under title 42. What now!!? When is enough, enough?

Just Askin

Just a couple of current news items:

US: 8 killed, 11 injured after vehicle crashes into crowd of migrants in Brownsville, Texas

County Thousands of Miles From Southern Border Declares State of Emergency Over Illegal Immigration

By Jack Phillips
May 7, 2023Updated: May 7, 2023

Officials in a county that’s just north of New York City have declared a state of emergency after city officials decided to approve a plan to send illegal immigrants there.

Rockland County Executive Ed Day said on May 6 that some 340 illegal immigrant males are expected to be sent to a hotel in Orangeburg, New York, for a four-month period.

The county is located about 2,000 miles from the Texas–Mexico border.

“This county already has a housing crisis due to the lack thereof and lack of affordable housing options,” Day said in a statement. “Sending busloads of people to this county that does not have the infrastructure to care for them will only compound that issue tenfold while straining support systems that are already at a breaking point.”

He noted that New York City declared itself a sanctuary city in December 2016 by “committing itself to supporting undocumented individuals while this County has not for the simple fact that we are one-tenth the population of New York City and incapable of receiving and sustaining the volume of undocumented migrants Mayor Eric Adams intends to send over,” according to his statement.

Day, a Republican, added that the “crisis is so extreme that Rockland has been unprecedently deputized by the State of New York to take over Building and Fire Code enforcement in the Village of Spring Valley.”


Eric Adams
New York City Mayor Eric Adams as seen in a news conference in Manhattan on Dec. 12, 2022. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

The state of emergency will prohibit “other municipalities from bringing and housing people in Rockland County,” adding that it will prohibit hotels from housing immigrants without a license. It will remain in effect for 30 days from May 6, and could be extended from there.

Officials in New York City told the New York Post that Day is exaggerating the numbers of illegal immigrants who might be sent to Orangeburg. They said that at most, 300 illegal aliens total would have the choice to be housed in Rockland or nearby Orange County.

“Mayor Eric Adams is criticizing Congress for their failure to establish a strategy for each migrant before they enter into the country, ensuring this crisis is dealt with in a coordinated manner, and then does the exact opposite—shipping new arrivals to other municipalities that do not have the infrastructure to support them,” Day told the news outlet Rockland Report. “It’s the same as tossing people into the middle of the ocean with nowhere to swim.”

Since last year, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants sourced from the U.S.–Mexico border have been bused to New York City under a program spearheaded by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey also sent busloads of aliens to a handful of Democrat-run cities such as New York before his term as governor ended earlier this year.

Advocates for illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers also condemned Adams’s plan to bus asylum-seekers to other parts of the state.

“Busing people upstate for shelter is only a temporary fix,” Murad Awawdeh, the head of the New York Immigration Coalition, said in a statement on May 5. “They will be out of sight, but it’s short-sighted to think that the mayor can resolve New York City’s housing problems in this manner.”

Epoch Times Photo
A bus carrying illegal immigrants from Texas arrives at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York on Aug. 10, 2022. (Yuki Iwamura/AFP via Getty Images)

Several days before that, Adams stated that more buses filled with illegal immigrants from Texas would be sent to New York City. The mayor suggested that Abbott is engaging in racist behavior by sending the buses to cities run by black mayors.

Adams said Abbott is “resuming the busing of asylum-seekers to New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Washington” and claimed that the Texas governor is “using this crisis to hurt black-run cities.”

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot also released a letter and criticized Abbott for “dangerous” and “inhumane” bus dispatches.

“The national immigration problem will not be solved by passing on the responsibility to other cities,” she wrote in a letter, without explaining how.

Abbott told Lightfoot that if she really wants to “work together” on a solution, she “must call on the Biden Administration to do its job by securing our border.”

He said Lightfoot should also call on Biden to classify Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, and intercept the fentanyl entering the United States through the border.

NTD News contributed to this report.
9 May 2023

Biden's Broken Border:


Following Screen Shots from Fox News:
In just the past 72 hours (Friday-Monday), 33781 illegals crossed into the US.

Countdown to end of title 42 on Thursday! Thousands of illegals staged just across the Rio Grande awaiting the collapse of title 42.
This is just one camp of illegals gathered at Reynosa, Mx, across the border from McAllen, Tx.

Nothing like broadcasting the mission of the 1500 troops (all sent to El Paso, Tx.), thus assisting the cartels in planning their strategy to further defeat the non-existent border.


According to Fox News, USCBP has received authorization to make "massive street releases" in anticipation of anticipated overwhelming surge on the horizon.
Wonder how "they" can come up with such an exact number of "getaways"???
Noticed that the Demoncrat led cities are begging for financial help to alleviate migrant drain on resources.
Gotaways are illegals which have been spotted by agents on the border or by camera, but were not apprehended:

Quote: Over 500,000 immigrant ‘gotaways’ at US border may be roaming the country: report
By Callie Patteson
July 25, 2022 6:18pm Updated
More On: us border

More than 500,000 known “gotaway” immigrants have crossed the border into the US but evaded capture since the start of FY 2022, according to a new report.

Multiple senior Department of Homeland Security sources confirmed the number to Fox News on Monday, revealing that there has been an average of more than 55,000 known “gotaways” per month.

“Gotaways” is a commonly used term for illegal immigrants who have been spotted crossing the border by agents or on camera but were not caught or processed by officials.

Rest of the story here:
According to Congressman Mark Green, "under Biden's open border policy there have been 5 million illegal alien encounters, 1.5 million gotaways since Biden took office and "there could be 5-7 million more in the remaining two years of the Biden administration". Click link below for full story & video.

Border Patrol apprehends over 10,000 migrant encounters a day ahead of Title 42's end, highest ever recorded
More to follow as to the countdown to end of title 42

Biden Administration’s Immigration Policy Pleases Beijing
U.S. immigration policy undermines national security

By Stu Cvrk
May 9, 2023Updated: May 10, 2023

Since January 2021, the Biden administration’s policy actions have undermined U.S. national security vis-à-vis China, including plans to reduce Navy ships and aircraft, shrink the Army to fewer than 1 million soldiers for the first time in 20 years, divert military training focus from foreign threats to ideologically motivated personnel policies, and elevate “mitigating climate change” as a military priority.

But nowhere is the ongoing diminishment of U.S. national security more disastrous as the damage being wrought at the open U.S.-Mexico border.

Border security is absolutely a key component of national security. Secure borders directly affect the sovereignty, security, and well-being of the United States over time. Policies that promote tight immigration controls facilitate assimilation and stability over time. Such policies also minimize the entry of criminals, terrorists, sleeper agents from hostile countries, spies, drug runners (loaded with fentanyl produced in China), human traffickers, and disease-ridden people.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration’s open borders policy implemented after Inauguration Day in 2021 was a complete reversal of the Trump administration’s policies that emphasized border security and a return to the enforcement of preexisting U.S. immigration laws.

The Biden administration’s immigration policies have included the diversion of border wall funding to other uses, the directed nonenforcement of existing U.S. immigration laws by the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate, the acceleration of amnesty processing at the border, the coordinated dispersal of “asylum seekers” into the U.S. interior at taxpayer expense, and the repeal of Title 42 restrictions (an action that will clear legal objections and lead to an enormous wave of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the southern border).

The results have been predictably disastrous. As announced by the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in October, “some 2.7 million migrants—those who illegally entered or were otherwise inadmissible at a port of entry—were encountered at our borders in FY 2022, bringing the total under President Biden to a whopping 5.5 million.” And these numbers do not include 1.2 million illegal immigrants who avoided detection and incarceration when they crossed the border, as estimated by Customs and Border Patrol officials and reported by Fox News in January.

It gets worse. As reported by Axios, in January and February, “nearly 2,200 Chinese nationals have crossed into Panama through the thick jungle of the Darién Gap, according to migration data from Panama’s government.”

The United Nations and U.S. State Department are providing funding to support the Darien Gap camp in Panama, a transit point for people whose ultimate destination is the United States. The U.N. agency that supports the camp is the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which facilitates emigration from communist China and third-world countries to the United States and other Western countries. According to independent journalist Michael Yon, “The Chinese are coming through here [the Darien Gap camp] in large numbers, about 200 per day and increasing, heading to the U.S.”
Epoch Times Photo


Haitian migrants cross the jungle of the Darien Gap, near Acandi, Choco department, Colombia, heading to Panama, on Sept. 26, 2021. (Raul Arboleda/AFP via Getty Images)

And most of these Chinese are reported to be military-age men. According to a Twitter post by Kyle Bass, founder of Conservation Equity Management, a Texas-based private equity firm, the Texas Department of Public Safety is “now apprehending as many as 530 Chinese nationals (almost entirely military-aged males) EACH WEEK. Over 2,000 per month at today’s catch rates. These are the illegal entries [who are caught] (clearly there are many more).”

How many of these people are spies or future saboteurs? No one knows, but the number is certainly not zero.

Various nonprofit organizations are involved in assisting the Biden administration in supporting illegal aliens (“asylum seekers” and “migrants” in the left’s softer vernacular) and dispersing them throughout the United States. For example, the American Red Cross openly advertises on its website: “The American Red Cross is providing relief supplies—such as cots, blankets, hygiene items, first aid kits, and towels—for use by local nonprofits caring for migrants.” As reported by the New York Post, “FEMA’s Emergency Food and Services Program board includes Catholic Charities and United Way, which pass the money to local nonprofits serving illegal immigrants” as a way to hide the use of taxpayer funds being used to support the administration’s illegal immigration policies.

Even more deadly to Americans has been the unchecked flow of illegal narcotics into the United States from Mexico, particularly Chinese-manufactured fentanyl and other opioid precursor chemical precursors. The result has been an average of 100,000 dead Americans annually with no end in sight. It should be noted that there were 58,220 Americans killed during the Vietnam War.

On April 29, the Daily Mail (UK) reported a match made in [beeep] between Chinese triad gangs and Mexican cartels. The triads are helping the cartels “launder millions in illicit drug money made by flooding the US with killer drug fentanyl.” The article further quotes Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.), chairwoman of the subcommittee on healthcare and financial services, who stated that “the State Department estimates that $154 billion in illicit [money-laundered] funds pass through China each and every year.” Thus, the Chinese regime is making money off the death and destruction from the fentanyl crisis in the United States, in which they are directly complicit!

Particularly troubling is the impending end of Title 42 restrictions on May 11, which “could bring close to 400,000 border crossers and illegal aliens to the border every month,” according to Breitbart. Title 42 is a clause of the 1944 Public Health Services Law that the Trump administration used to quickly expel illegal aliens from the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the high probability of them introducing communicable diseases into the country.

The flood of illegals into the United States that will ensue in a few short days will create a major crisis on the border and divert scarce resources needed elsewhere. As reported by Military Times in October, “Federally-activated National Guard troops are expected to continue to deploy along the U.S. southern border through summer 2023, a Pentagon spokesman confirmed.” Almost certainly, more troops will be needed to stop the flow when Title 42 ends.
Concluding Thoughts

The Biden administration’s immigration policies diminish U.S. national security and benefit communist China directly by exacerbating political tensions between pro-immigration Democrats and pro-border security Republicans, destabilizing the United States through the dispersion of millions of illegal aliens throughout the country, diverting public resources from other important priorities, and killing Americans through fentanyl and opioid abuse. The Chinese also make money from those fentanyl deaths, as noted above.

According to a new study from the FAIR, illegal immigration costs American taxpayers at least $151 billion each year, including education, welfare, medical costs, and law enforcement at the federal, state, and local levels. This is money we can ill afford to spend when federal deficit spending is out of control.

Whatever weakens the United States directly benefits the Chinese regime as it seeks to replace America as the world’s superpower. Chinese leader Xi Jinping and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) generals in Beijing must be smiling as they watch the United States willingly diminish its own national security and erode deterrence against future PLA aggression.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Keep up with latest developments along the southern border here:
News: Border Report

Texas Governor Abbott Steps up State Border Security, once again!


Following screen shots from Fox News reports:

Border Fences at work

10 May 2023 Hundreds of illegal immigrants line up for processing @ Brownsville,Tx Prior to arrival of Texas task force of DPS and TXNG with orders to restrict illegal entry.


Texas National Guard arrives and installs miles of razor wire fences on 10 May


Flow from Mexico begins to subside early on 11 May


Crisis has not ended, however, as more aliens gather on the south bank of the Rio Grande awaiting the expiration of Title 42 in less than 10 hours.


Those blocked @ Brownsville, will certainly be looking to cross where there is no wall or fence to restrain them, such as Yuma AZ above.

Another word from Gov. Abbott:

If you are so moved, please pray for those USCBP, TXDPS, TXNG and all local Sheriffs & LEO's who are tirelessly doing their thankless job trying to protect our border.

ETA: Fox News just reported that "mass releases" of illegal migrants are being released at multiple locations along the southern border due to the system being overloaded, having reached as much as 162% capacity at some local shelters.

0930 12 May 2023

Well, as of Oh title 42 thirty at least, Gov. Abbott and his Operation Lone Star has proven that barriers (walls, fences, etc.) are effective, in spite of Biden's claims to the contrary.

Can walls/fences be defeated? Of course they can, but they are obviously another tool to, at the very least, be a force multiplier and help protect our (overwhelmed) BP, LEO's & NG personnel from injury/harm.

This Fox News screen shot from 11 May, hours prior to Title 42 expiration, says it all. Note the illegal dressed in black with white back pack seems to be asking Texas National Guard troops, "que paso?", or....What happened? I can almost hear the reply, Governor Abbott and Operation Lone Star!

God bless Governor Abbott, the TXNG & DPS for doing the badly neglected job of the current federal administration.

Abbott Says Brownsville Border Crossing 'Wired Shut' Ahead of Title 42 End
NOTE: You might want to skip to 3:45 on embedded video unless you want to listen to Karine Jean-Pierre's usual propaganda as to what a wonderful job they are doing. Mayorkas speaks @ 3:45.

Mayorkas Says DHS ‘Ready to Meet’ Influx of Illegal Immigrants as Title 42 Expires

By Samantha Flom and Emel Akan
May 11, 2023Updated: May 11, 2023

Hours before Title 42 was set to expire on May 11, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that stemming the flow of illegal immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico border would be a difficult but manageable challenge for the Biden administration.

“This is a challenge, and we are going to meet this challenge,” Mayorkas told reporters at a White House press briefing. “We’re going to meet it within a broken immigration system while adhering to our values.”

Invoked in March 2020 to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Title 42 is an emergency health authority that has allowed for the swift removal of illegal immigrants from countries with a high incidence of COVID-19.

For more than a year, the Biden administration has sought to end the policy but has been held up by legal challenges from Republicans who said the policy was necessary to help curb the rising numbers of illegal immigrants flooding across the southern border.

But with the policy set to expire on May 11 at 11:59 p.m. Washington time, Mayorkas stressed that the administration still had legal means for removing illegal immigrants through Title 8 immigration law.

“The transition to Title 8 processing will be swift and immediate,” the secretary said. “We have surged 24,000 Border Patrol agents and officers, thousands of troops, contractors, and over 1,000 asylum officers and judges to see this through.

“We are clear-eyed about the challenges we are likely to face in the days and weeks ahead, and we are ready to meet them.”
Revamped Policy

Mayorkas’s remarks follow the administration’s May 10 announcement that it will roll out a new immigration policy in preparation for the tens of thousands of migrants who continue to gather along the Mexican side of the southern border, waiting for Title 42 to expire.

The finalized rule (pdf) , which essentially reinstates a Trump-era travel policy, stipulates that illegal immigrants will be disqualified from applying for asylum in the United States if they didn’t first seek protection in countries that they traveled through on their way to the United States, with limited exceptions.

The regulation is meant to decrease human smuggling activities at the southern border by encouraging asylum-seekers to use “lawful, safe, and orderly” pathways, such as seeking refuge in a country that they’ve passed through.

Mayorkas said that smugglers have been spreading the word that the border will be open after Title 42 expires.

“I want to be very clear: our borders are not open,” he said. “People who cross our border unlawfully and without a legal basis to remain will be promptly processed and removed.”

Issuing a warning to those considering making the trek to the border, he stressed: “Smugglers care only about profits, not people. Do not risk your life and life savings only to be removed from the United States if and when you arrive here.”
Placing Blame

To incentivize migrants to choose a legal pathway into the United States, the administration will rely on the new policy and strict enforcement of Title 8, under which illegal immigrants will be barred from reentry into the U.S. for five years and can face criminal prosecution.

But for many, the administration’s efforts are too little, too late.

“[President Joe] Biden sent 1,500 troops to the border to do paperwork,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wrote on Twitter on May 10. “Texas deployed trained soldiers and troopers to take real action and respond to the crisis.”

Abbott has been a vocal critic of the administration’s approach to the border, often sending busloads of illegal immigrants who have crossed into his state to Washington, D.C., and other Democrat-controlled areas in protest.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump released a video message on May 11 criticizing his successor’s handling of the border, saying that the United States had become a “third-world nation” under the current administration.

“At this very moment, illegal aliens are lined up by the tens of thousands, ready to break into our country knowing that, even if they are caught, Joe Biden will order them immediately released into American communities,” Trump said. “And many of these people are very dangerous.”

Since Biden took office, more than 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border into the United States.

Mayorkas, however, asserted that the blame for the ongoing border crisis should be placed at the feet of Congress, not the Biden administration.

“Our current situation is the outcome of Congress leaving a broken, outdated immigration system in place for over two decades, despite unanimous agreement that we desperately need legislative reform,” he said. “It is also the result of Congress’s decision not to provide us with the resources we need and that we requested.”

When pressed on how he could say that the border was not open when more than a half-million illegal immigrants escaped capture in the fiscal year 2022, Mayorkas said: “We removed, returned, and expelled 1.4 million people last year. Ask those 1.4 million people if they think the border is open.”
Governor Greg Abbott has been front and center with Operation Lone Star since March of 2021. [2]

Since March 2021 when Operation Lone Star began, DPS has made more than 27,000 criminal arrests. There have also been more than 24,000 felony charges reported.

DPS has made more than 365,000 illegal immigrant apprehensions since OLS began.

DPS has seized more 380 million potentially lethal doses of fentanyl statewide.

In order to cope with the expiration of title 42, Gov. Abbott stepped up his efforts, sending "elite unit of TXANG to repel illegals in conjunction with Texas DPS troopers. [3]

Following is an Epoch Times interview with Todd Bensman w/The Center for Immigration Studies, and his analysis of the effects of Gov. Abbott's task force @ Brownsville.

Mr. Bensman spent 2.5 years traveling with and interviewing migrant groups, analyzing their motivations, tribulations, and methods.

Unfortunately, unable to share the interview the day after title 42 expired, but high points of the video paraphrased from memory:
1) Right up until Title 42 expired, he observed very heavy traffic of mostly Venezuelan immigrants allowed to pass into US for processing. [Foot note: Daily encounters @ Brownsville averaged 1200-1500/day according to[1] below]

(2) On the day after Title 42 expired, Mr Bensman observed no border patrol officers @ Brownsville crossing. Present were Texas ARMY National Guard troops & DPS troopers sent by Gov. Abbott to prevent passage of any illegals.

(3) Mayorkas held a press conference in which he condemned Gov. Abbott's

4) The day after Title 42 expired, The encampment of migrants gathered on the Matamoros river bank planning to storm the border had disappeared with no migrants in sight. Apparently all have moved farther up the Rio Grande. Speculation is that, being blocked @ Brownsville and El Paso by Gov. Abbott's task force, migrants will shift to the Del Rio/Eagle Pass sector for further attempts to cross.

5) 15,000 Haitians are reportedly encamped @ Reynosa (about 50 miles west of Brownsville) awaiting expiration of Title 42. Haitians have been notoriously violent in their journey north.

6) Mr. Bensman observes that migrants respond to the Whitehouse policy announcements by attempting to circumvent these policies and gain entry by any means. He commented that at any time, he could fill a shopping bag with identification papers from all over the world which have been discarded on the Mexican side of the border by migrants attempting to enter the US illegally.

7) Mr. Bensman observed the use of "scouts" sent ahead who report details of their success (or failure) to enter back to the migrant encampments so they can replicate their successful MO's.

8) Asked what works in restricting the flow of illegals, Mr. Benson said that the "wait in Mexico" policy worked and speculated that if Mexico would deprt illegals at their southern border that illegal entry would be stopped within 24 hours..

He observed that Gov. Abbott's elite task force has stopped entry where applied. Asked if declaration of an invasion by the Governor would be helpful, he opined that the only advantage would be giving the state authority to deport those who gained entry illegally.

Currently, those caught illegally by state authorities must be turned over to DHS or CBP to deport, street release, or process at federal discretion.

[1] 5000 Illegals swarm Brownsville Tx
[2] Operation Lone Star
[3] Gov. Abbott sends elite unit of TXANG to Brownsville to repel illegal entry.

MORE FROM TODD BENSMAN Bensman spent 2 1/2 years traveling with immigrants on their journey through Central America and Mexico. He has written a book, "OVERRUN", delving deeply into the invasion on our southern border. Be sure to watch the 2nd video.

Mayorkas says border crossings dropped by 50% after Covid restrictions lifted (after title 42 expired).

Click State of the Union below for video:
Quote:“Over the past two days, the United States Border Patrol has experienced a 50% drop in the number of encounters versus what we were experiencing earlier in the week before Title 42 ended at midnight on Thursday,” Mayorkas said on CNN's " State of the Union".

Mayorkas claims this is result of their planning according to original article:
Quote:Mayorkas credited the low numbers in the past two days to the Biden administration’s clear message to migrants that circumventing the lawful pathways for asylum come with grave consequences.

I offer an entirely different possibility.

As outlined two posts back ^^^^, Mr Todd Bensman credits the blocking of all illegal crossings @ Brownsville and the emptying out of the huge migrant camp in Matamoros overnight to Gov. Abbott's TX ANG & DPS joint taskforce. Entry was reportedly blocked in El Paso as well and observers noted that migrants seemed to be moving toward popular crossings at Eagle Pass & Del Rio, hoping to cross unobstructed there. This effectively reduced illegal crossings substantially along the entire border shared by Texas & Mexico.

Since the US/Mexico border is 1933 miles, the Texas/Mexico border is 1240 miles or 64% of the entire US/Mexico border. Could this sudden reduction in illegal crossings along 64% of the border be responsible for that 50% reduction in illegal crossings? Seems likely to me, time will tell, as those illegals who are relocating will soon get organized somewhere and attempt to cross.

This suggests that fences/walls combined with 24/7 observation (satellite, drones, electronic) combined w/relatively small rapid response teams strategically placed might be a relatively inexpensive solution to a government serious about border control.
