On the subject of cost... and I've posted this before... my friends give me crazy looks when I tell them my thermal was $7500. But that's just part of the cost for hunting coyote and hogs at night. I have dual NODS at about $7000, rifle set up and suppressor another $2500, I'm in for about $2000 in callers, not to mention my turret set up in my truck that was close to $1000. Now... add gas to and from, snacks, batteries, etc. and you can toss "worth it" out the window if you're looking for a pay off.
I justify it kind of like the boat thing... no one would bat an eye if I liked to fish and dumped TWICE that in a boat, motor, trailer, electronics, poles, fish gear, etc. Again, the cost and benefit is relative to the person spending the money. I'm a blue-collar guy and don't make a ton of money... but I know what I like.
I use to be a big off-shore fishing fan, both my brother and I had boats and we've been 125 miles off shore staying the night having a good time. Did we catch enough fish to justify that expense(s)... hell no, not even close. But when they changed the season dates and limits all the "fun" went out of it and we both sold our boats.
Cost vs. value is the point... value comes from the enjoyment of being afield doing what you like... cost sometimes is misplaced. At least that's how I see it.