☠️☠️☠️ A member get together, too remember

Jeremy uses a Savage 22-250 and a AGM scope ( l can’t remember which model). Shane and I have the same guns…..6cm using 87g vmax, IRay RH50R scopes.

We all 3 were using IRay RH25 640 scanners.

I was using the Rattler V2 50 640. I have the RH25 mounted hands free, but I mainly use the AGM Sidewinder tm50-640 for scanning longer distances.
We had a night to remember for sure ! Jeremy saying the weather was brutal is no joke !

The cold and high winds were the toughest conditions I’ve ever experienced.

Shane and I had a great time meeting and hunting with Jeremy !

It was good meeting you both in person and sharing the hunt. Next time, if the weather is not so extreme, we can hunt all night and try to make a bigger pile. I screwed up and got me feet wet scouting that day, wet feet in those conditions was the worst part. After we would shoot a coyote and the adrenaline was still flowing, I would look over at Keith and say "its no longer cold now, huh":)
Me and Flint kinda did the same thing--I just looked out the window🥶.
Kieth and Shane, you guys from "down South" had to be totally miserable, but to meet and hunt with Jeremy would have made it SO worthwhile as long as you don't get pneumonia.
I made 1 set 2 nights ago just to test the snow depths in the field. -2 degrees and 10mph winds. Went 45 minutes out behind my house. Averaged about 12” of snow still on the ground. No response to calls. Came back inside and while I was getting out of my cold weather gear I noticed my gun. Kind of made me think about when you stick your tongue to a flagpole in winter! Lol… No… I didn’t do it!
limbhanger10 and i hunted one night about 2 years ago. the temp gauge in his truck read -21, i dont know how accurate that was but my gun look frost covered and definitely felt like it burned my hand when i put it in the truck with my gloves off.

OH...didnt kill anything that night either. coyotes around here are way to smart to venture out when its that cold.

great hunt guys..congrats