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Here in NY, our southern zone was shotgun only from the time I started deer hunting at 16 until I was up into my 40’s. I shot a smoothbore 12 gauge Remington 1100 with Winchester slugs for most of that. Out to 100 yards, it was a very capable combination. At 50 yards I would cloverleaf a 5 shot group. At 100 it was consistently a 3”-3.5” group. I lost 1 deer in all of my years shooting a shotgun and it wasn’t due to the shotgun or the ammo being the problem. It always seemed foreign to me to read and hear about how inaccurate shotguns were, as I never had an issue?I've heard good things about Truball and Lightfields, but have never tried them.
With iron sights and close shots there was never a need for sabots. I also got into bear hunting over bait and you just can't beat a big hole in a bear.
I think most of it comes down to the shooter and anticipating the recoil. If you can shoot consistently without wincing, flinching or anticipating the shot, it’s a very effective short range combo. There is a devastating amount of energy in your hands with a shotgun/slug combo and a big hole to boot!
I chose to hang up my shotgun for deer when rifles became a legal alternative. Not for any reason about effectiveness. Carry weight, recoil reduction and extended range of a rifle made it a no brainer. If I had to shoot a shotgun and slugs again, I wouldn’t feel handicapped outside of limited range.