25 Creed Build, ready for battle!

Kino M

Staff member
Finally got some work done in the war room and finished this project up today, going to break it in tomorrow morning and hopefully have load work and DOPE confirmed this coming week.

Going to run 135 Bergers around 2900 is the plan for windy days at PRS matches. I have 2k of them but I'm going to break it in with Hornady 134ELDM. I have about 35lbs of H4350 so that's my powder of choice.

Other than caliber and color it's identical to my 6BRs that's my main guns in PRS.






Build specs are:
Brux 1/7tw 4gr. finished at 28"
ACE muzzle brake
American Rifle Company "Coup De Grace" action
Triggertech Diamond trigger
Vortex Razor G3 6x36
ARC Mbrace mount (20moa)
MPA Matrix Pro chassis
Well someone has to be negative. May as well be me. I'm not real fond of that bolt knob but the rest of your rifle is Bad Ass!!!

Thanks, they make a few other options to choose from. That's one great thing is you actually get a choice when you order, lots of others you don't and you have to spend about $50 or more to get one that suits you!
It really wasn't complaining, more just funnin a little. Its a really nice build and he should be proud of it as I'm sure he is and I'd love to have it and I would suffer through the bolt knob.

P.S. The bolt knob starting to grow on me. I Kinda like it to.
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That's a beautiful rifle. I have always loved MPa chassis! That action also is awesome. I hadn't heard of it before and just did some reading...I want one!
Less recoil, more speed, and a .650 bc!! Run the numbers, it's a big improvement over 6mm stuff as well as the 140 class 6.5.
I've always been a, much, bigger fan of 6 and 6.5's but when Berger came out with their 133 and 135 25cals then Hornady jumped in with their 134 a 25 caliber build instantly went to the top of my list and I started compiling parts for a 25 SAUM build.

For something like a PRS where round count will be much higher then the norm I think Kino M pretty well nailed it with his 25 CM build. As Kino said, when you run the numbers with these new mid 130 high BC 25cals they get your attention real fast.
Thanks guys, shot it yesterday and it shows great promise.

I literally just wanted to run a few through it just to get going on the break in.

I loaded 42 rounds of Hornady 134ELDs with 40gr of H4350, .020 off the lands. I zeroed it and started shooting 5 shot groups. I let 3 others at the range with me yesterday shoot some groups as well. I then loaded up a 13rd velocity ladder at the lands from 40gr to 42.6gr with the Berger 135 Hybrids. Looks like by the numbers I'll end up around 41.5gr and 2850ish. More work to do but here's yesterday (note a lot of other people was shooting various stuff yesterday so no all hits was mine)


We shot a practice PRS match at my range yesterday, fun times!



Kino it sure looks like that new rifle is ready to shoot. I didn't have much doubt that it wouldn't though. When you use great parts you end up with a great shooting rifle. Nice job!!!!! Looks like you had a good turn out to.
Good thing you changed the color. I would have hated to hear the words uttered if you drove hours to a windy match with the 6 br and 25 ammo:p:p