204 Ruger Load Data

28.2 grains H4895 and 35 grain hollowpoint cup based BH bullets(.235 b.c) 3800 fps in a 20” barrel. This load has also worked extremely well on Coyotes with the 35 grain Bergers.
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I finally got around to loading some ammo for my 204. Worked up to 27grains of TAC and the 32 grain V-max bullet. I'm getting 3585 fps out of a Ruger American Gen 2. I bought a box of the Hornady superperformance Varmit loaded with 32 V-maxes. They are running 3845 fps, very impressive.
I'm shooting a Thompson center venture in .204 Ruger and this is the load we found works best for the 45 grain soft points I'm shooting which have unfortunately been discontinued but we have a pretty good stock of them to keep me going for quite a few years yet. 😁 This has been a great load for coyotes and fox for me.
That looks like a solid load. I managed to find 400ish 30 grain Bergers and didn't realize they were also discontinued until I went looking for load data.
I loaded some of the Berger 30 grain bullets and shot them this past weekend. I was looking to get some more velocity and hopefully match the performance of the Hornady Superperformance. I worked up to 28 grains of TAC using the Bergers but it seems that the powder and rifle combination will only give me 3500ish fps. It was around freezing but I shot some of my previous loads with the 32 grain V-max and 27grains of TAC and they are running about 3500ish as well. Looks like I'm gonna have to change powder if I want more velocity.
Tac might be a little slow burning for light bullets in the 204. I've never tried it though,

I ran a couple loads over the crony for fun, these are both with 8208, 22" ar that I just built. The 32's were about 4030, and the 40's were 3800ish. Faster than I figured, I'll check it again under different light conditions but it was pretty consistent.
Thanks for the information. It makes sense that TAC is to slow for those light bullets. I'll have to consult the burn rate chart and see what else I can get locally that might work.
CFE223 and Viht n140 were the best for me with 32gr vmax bullets. I'm shooting an AR though so it may not correlate to a bolt gun. I know a buddy of mine shot 3 of my handloads out of his bolt gun and they were terrible.
Accurate 2015
40gr. VMax
25grs. MAX LOAD (start lower)

My Rem 700 with 26" varmint barrel for prairie dogs and I was using for coyotes also. Liked it so much bought a .204 in a Gen 2 Ruger American (lighter weight).
I love the 39 grain BlitzKing when I can find them. My Contender seems to prefer the 32 grain V-Max and CFE 223. I just picked up a Savage today with a 12 twist so its going to be trial and error until I find a sweet spot. Its a Savage so it shouldn't take long.
I also like 27.2 grains H4895 with the 39 grain Sierra BK’s, very accurate and 3700 fps with my 20” barrel. With the bullet having a (.287 B.C) deadly combination.😉
The TC barrels are 1 in 10 twist, really helps with the 40 gr tipped and the discontinued 45 gr sp bullets stability. I still have some of the 45's to try on coyote.
I think mine is 1:12 twist which was a bit surprising given that there's a big push for using heavy for caliber bullets and those work better with faster twists.
New Member, 1st Post. Found this Forum while searching the web for 204 Ruger Load Data. I built my rifle based on a Savage Target Action with a 26 " McGowen 1 in 11" barrel.
Shoots nicely - see pics.
Savage 204 Ruger Target.jpg
VMax 32 Grain 28.8 grs. XBR - Savage.jpg