2024 should be a great year for big litters of coyote pups around here!


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I don't think I have ever seen so much rain two years in a row as we got in 2023 and 2024. We have more rabbits, rats, mice, ground squirrels and quail than I have seen since 1991.

I have been walking at least 3 miles almost every day in the mornings on dirt roads for about 5 months. The amount of fresh critter and bird tracks I see every day is almost unbelievable.

The coyote calling from November 2024 through March 2025 should be really good around here. What are the conditions looking like in your coyote hunting areas?
Southern NM, temps in the 100's and literally .00" of rain since the end of Feb. and .7" total for 2024, it is dry. I saw a rattlesnake dragging a canteen. Hopefully we'll get a decent monsoon season. I have seen a couple pups dead along the highway
Rattlesnake dragging a cantern. For this time only I will be like LBJ on Forrest Gump and say “I’d like to see that.”
Lots of rain here, early hay crop and some are complaining , can't get on the fields. Ticks, chiggers and mosquitoes thick and aggressive. I hunt year round but have been lax this spring, will be getting out there soon, lots of pups and most deer have twins.
About average for rain here in NC but the hurricane forecast is for way above normal form now until Nov. I hope they are wrong. We rarely get extreme drought but it has happened. I am a farmer with a small vineyard and hope to see just normal, not extreme in either direction. Then the hunting and harvest will be good.
Extreme draught here last year. Finally started getting rain in late March but litter size was probably already determined for most by then. Abundance of rain and considerable flooding in June so far but I won't complain after the soybeans yielding 3.5 bu./Acre last year. Still hear several at night so we'll see. Have seen a couple of pups dead on the road also.
Real wet here in SW PA. Spring green up was a full 2 weeks early and some ridge top hay meadows got put up mid-May with bumper yield during a 4 day no rain in the forecast event. After that 'window' dampness' returned and field just started getting cut last week, which is the normal hay time.
Scouted, then hunted turks from April 16 to May 31 and only got to wear leather boots 7 times-4 while hunting in May! Not a good year for poults I don't imagine but a few broods have been reported to me.
Yesterday evening we went fishing about 11 miles from my house and we saw a coyote pup about 4 months old cross the highway in front of us.

Just after it got dark and the full moon was beginning to come up coyote pups all around us started howling. They were in all directions around us from a bout 1/4 mile away to at least a mile away. It was really cool to hear that many young coyotes from one spot. I am pretty sure we heard at least 10 different coyotes in about ten minutes of time.
I thought coyotes were denning now? So you saying they had pups in Feb/Mar?
The gestation period for coyotes is 60 to 63 days. Around here the coyotes breed in January and February so they would start having pups in March and April so the pups around here are about 14 to 17 weeks old right now.
So last years pup or this years?
April 20,2020 while scouting turks l hear something that sounds kinda like a peacock. I am a couple miles from the nearest dwelling and they don’t have any fowl.

I use a howler to locate gobblers with and try to mimic what l am hearing and so starts a conversation. I close the distance a couple hundred down the hillside to a briar choked blowdown where this sound is coming from. I move to the edge of the thick and see this little guy about 10’ in. Lip squeaked him out to me and took a couple minutes if video. This is a screen shot from one of said vids. Eyes are open and he was out and about. By what Torry Cook has posted in the past i am guessing 2-3wks old so whelped the first week of April, bred end of Jan. or beginning of Feb.


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The two tropical systems in the Gulf finally gave us some local relief from the drought with 5.25" of rain locally, praise God!
Some rain above the dam(s) but I don't think they had as much as coastal area.
Last years pups won't look like pups when they are 16 months old.
Exactly. Reminds me of deer hunters in Nov/Dec saying they see a “doe and yearling”, when they are actually seeing a doe and fawn. The definition of a “yearling” should be something they learn in hunter education.