$1500 bow worth it?

This is an old post but I'll chime in. Do your shopping at a shop with a range so you can test a bow. I ended up with a Diamond bow for target shooting, I didn't t have a lot to spend and then t works well for me. I got to shoot a number of bows and this one felt as good, to me as some twice the price.
Originally Posted By: 6724I have never bought a current model bow. I buy a last years model on Ebay and save a bunch. Any bow made in the last 10 years is going to be pretty much the same, the technology improvement in bows has slowed down. I am shooing a 2014 elite energy, I am sure it will last me another 10 years or so.

This is fantastic advice, bows havent improved much and they devalue quick. A bow from two years ago is going to be far cheaper and just as high tech as today's bows.

I'm a Hoyt fan, they are tough as nails and shoot great, I've seen them dropped from tree stands, run over by 4 wheeler's, just treated like a tool and no problem. I got a Hoyt Alpha Burner years and years ago, 340fps speed and dead nuts accurate. My sight has the first pin zeroed for 30 yards, that one pin hits an inch high at 20 yards and maybe 2 inches low at 40, very flat shooter, then I've got 50,60,70 and 80 yard pins just because the sight came with 5 pins and I practice and hit targets all the time at 80 yards, and it's a 2014 model I think, maybe even 2010?

Look into Gold Tip arrows, they have been the cheapest, toughest and most accurate arrows I've tried. I like the Velocity model and fire 2 inch Rage broadhead through and through whitetail all the time.
Yes cheap arrows are junk, but it doesnt necessarily mean price matches performance exclusively. My Alpha Burner shoots the less expensive Gold Tips better than more expensive Carbon Express or Eastons and the gold tip arrows break a lot less than Carbon Express. I havent gotten into the new tiny micro diameter shafts, they look intriguing but my gold tips with a rage broadhead screwed in are expensive enough, I dont need more expensive shafts that require neck collars and extra stuff, and the gold tips shoot straight through most the time anyways.
I am a firm believer that you get what you pay for. Technology does change but a 300 FPS bow will last several years and will be easier to shoot at distance. I have shot a lot of competition 30 years ago and last week I put a new bow in layaway. The new bows shoot a 30” arrow faster at 70 lbs than my 80# bow did with an overdraw and short arrows. Can you kill a deer with a cheaper bow, sure you can. And you can miss a trophy deer with a cheaper bow that you may have killed with a more expensive bow. It’s all about judging range and having the power once the arrow gets there. Good luck!! And practice, practice, and practice!