SD prairie dogs

Keith Karr

Active member
My coyote hunting partner Michael and his wife are taking a vacation the last week of September to tour around South Dakota and are looking for some advice or possibly a place to shoot prairie dogs while they are there.

Michael is in his early 50’s and served 26 years in the USMC.

If anyone can help him out send me a PM and I’ll get you in touch with him.

Thanks ! Keith
Get in touch with the State & BLM for maps of the area he wants to hunt. Study the maps along with Google satellite images. They should be able to see prairie dog mounds.

This is how I got started.
Thanks K9TXS !

I passed that advice along to Michael.

He’s willing to pay someone to if there’s an opportunity anyone knows of available.
Take a look at this list, SD prairie dogs

A guide can be expensive and each one may furnish something different that the other doesn't. I haven't used any of these guides and have no affiliation with any of them, but when I started hunting sage rats in Oregon, I paid for a guide and it was very well worth it.
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We (BIL) are headed out Sunday thru Wed, otherwise your buddy could shoot with us. BIL is retired Marine, avionics/ejection seat mechanic.
Another thing to think about, a lot of Prairie Dogs are poisoned after the Spring push of shooters.

Knocks the numbers down, but the towns survive, for the most part.
Another thing to keep in mind. All tribal ground shuts down PD hunting this time of year in preparation for the fall big game seasons. Do check each though as different tribes have varying regulations.
Hopefully they find a good shoot but do the homework!