What ever happened to using fire hoses to disperse rioters?


Staff member
It worked back in the '50s! "Aim low, they're riding Shetlands!" seems to apply to this picture of 1860's rioting.

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Running a high pressure hose is not easy. I like the idea but set-up time is long.
True, but I drove the fire truck on my shift at chemical plant [each shift had their own fire team] and you're right it takes a little time to run out several lengths of fire hose but most FDs have a pumper truck with a small hose reel that runs out quickly. Our truck had a 2 stage pump that I wouldn't want to take a shower from. which could be used in the meantime.šŸ˜„ IIRC our truck had a 5-600 gal tank.
I thought they used truck mounted water cannons to disperse crowds, sounds good to me, better yet, maybe they should spray them with artificial skunk scent, that should get their attention!
The water cannon would be best, I'm sure, but any of the firefighters tools would work. Top photo shows regular fire hoses. They are just wetting folks down, but I guarantee that if they concentrated the nozzle they could sweep the street clean. :ROFLMAO:

During training on fire truck my first time out, we hooked pump intake up to a fire hydrant and boosted pressure w/first stage of pump w/two men on the 3" nozzle. The control to shift to 2nd stage was a T handled shaft (much like the old emergency brakes) which, when you extend, engages 2nd stage of the pump and increases RPM of engine as demand increases). They called for more pressure and no one told me that the water pressure exerts force on the control and you had to restrict the travel in order to gradually increase pressure! When I turned the handle to unlock it, pressure threw valve wide open and it was all two men could do to maintain control of the hose!:oops: Been too many years and I don't remember pressures, but nothing to be sneezed at.

Didn't the Israelis use something like that a few years ago in Gaza? IIRC it was super effective.
My only fire hose experience was boot camp. Start an oil fire in a closed compartment, 2 guys on the hose to put it out. Control the nozzle or get whipped around. Yes. pumpers usually have a water 'cannon' but it's a M$ truck with possible
"perps' crawling on it or worse, taking a few shots. KC riots they started fires in the projects then shot at the firemen trying to put it out. Entire city ended up with State guard martial law for a while.