Water based dip


While reading Furfinder's (or Furfrinder's I should say) post on petroleum dips, I saw him refer to water based dips. Where does one purchase the water based dip? And how do you go about using it, from beginning to end?

Furfinder, as far as I know you'll have to re-register to change your name.

[This message has been edited by Varm (edited 09-02-2001).]
Hey varm
This is fufinder, thanks for the info.
I looked in funke's & sullivans catalogs to see if they had any and I diden't see any .
But I'm sure someone will help you out. Sorry
Check out this link http://snareone.hypermart.net the mans name is Newt and he makes water based dips.

Oh btw click on "other supplies" and the water based dip with instructions shows up on the top of the page..

[This message has been edited by timberking (edited 09-04-2001).]