Using bear sounds to call bears


Active member
I’ve used both of my cub distress sounds on the e caller a bunch of times and didn’t see anything. Another time I tried the huffs and jaw pops from and hill above a creek with some thick and in one thick spot there was bunch of birds were going nuts but nothing ever came out. If there was a bear in there I guess he didn’t want to fight.

What about u guys? Any experiences or info to share?
I doubt huffs and jaw pops would be likely to call in a bear. Just a hunch
At the time I assumed it would trigger a territorial response from any bears nearby, and maybe only the big boars would come out to accept the challenge with the small ones and sows with cubs staying away.

After doing further research it sounds like bears aren’t that territorial like coyotes for example, or at least no when there’s a lot of food around. Do you think if there isnt much food around it might suck out a bigger, more confident boar looking to protect the little he has? Or maybe during the bear rut when the testosterones flowing?
Bears just arent territorial. Even during the rut. Ive had several series of tcam pics during the rut of several boars following a sow, basically lined up biggest to smallest. One time i chased several bears out of my driveway, over the period of less than an hour, of that exact scenario. Sow / big boar. Then smaller boar. Then smaller boar again. Bears avoid confrontation. They knowwho the badass is before breeding season starts. Im sure you saw my post where i sang the praises of "a shadow in the woods" i have an extra copy here. If youd like it, pm me your mailing address. Great book,not a "how to hunt bears" book, but a "this is how bears work" book.
To correct myself, SOMETIMES theyre territorial. Thats why they kill and eat eachother on occasion. I had the priveledge of ending up in the middle of a bear fight once when myself and 2 adult bears all converged on a berry patch at a nice creek crossing. It was quite exciting!