Uphill both ways


When I was a child, many, many ,years ago, in a land far, far away, I walked to school all year round through the snow for 2 hours uphill both ways. I didn't even like school, so you can imagine what I would go through to hunt. Are you guys "REAL HUNTERS" like us old farts, or just fairweather fans, blowing wind. Did you ever quit a job, dump a girlfriend/boyfriend, quit smoking and save your money, or endure some other unspeakable trial or indignity to go hunting? Let's hear about it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Redfrog
I once stripped down to my undies and tennies to chase down an injured redhead duck I'd shot. It was about 36 degrees or so but I had never got a redhead. The dang bird swam just under the surface and when I dove for where I thought the bird was to try and grab him, I always missed and just WAY wet myself further. I was actually afraid of getting hypothermia. The water wasn't cold it was FRIGID. It actually felt like my skin was burning. Then numb. Numb feels much nicer. I did get my bird finally. Dried off and put on my dry hunting clothes. My redhead is proudly perched on top of my wifey's piano!!! BRRRrrrrrrr
I think I may have missed the point of your post upon further examination. Therefore, this story better answers your question.

About 5-6 weeks ago I was out with a buddy going after coyotes. I got a nice whiteish one although it wasn't called in. We just spotted it on the way to the stand and shot it. Anyway, We got to my home at about 7:45 and I saw our friends' cars everywhere around our house. I remembered it was Bible study night. I am the leader of this group and I hadn't even prepared a study. Man 0 man am I ever a knuckle head. Hunting clears my mind and gives me peace. However, a blank mind isn't always a good thing if you know what I mean!!!
you must be talking to these youngsters on the board. I remember when I was a kid,living in South Dakota at the time, we were so hungry most of the time that my folks would send me and my sister out to look for food. I was always sort of spindly and loose and could run really fast, so when we would spot a deer, I would start running after it. I would always get close, I mean like a finger length from catching it, but never close enough to crook my finger!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :eek: /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Redfrog, I have both quit jobs and dumped (or whatever) gotten rid of girlfriends because of both hunting and guns some things are NOT up for negotiation or give and take. Same thing with my motorcycles. I figure they can take things the way they are or as the last old lady said, this just isn't going to work out. My reply was that is for sure. Barry
Originally posted by Redfrog:
[qb]When I was a child, many, many ,years ago, in a land far, far away, I walked to school all year round through the snow for 2 hours uphill both ways. I didn't even like school, so you can imagine what I would go through to hunt. Are you guys "REAL HUNTERS" like us old farts, or just fairweather fans, blowing wind. Did you ever quit a job, dump a girlfriend/boyfriend, quit smoking and save your money, or endure some other unspeakable trial or indignity to go hunting? Let's here about it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Redfrog[/qb]
Redfrog you have the darndest ways of picking topics that sure hit home. Walked to school, we still had the old one room school house a mile and half from home until I started the sixth grade.

Nineteen years ago was my first opportunity to go prairie dog hunting. Had read about it, heard stories and was really hyped. It was a Wed. evening and I had gone to my buddies house to finish the reloading for the upcoming weekend. Got home shortly after ten. The Mrs. had already turned in, unusual for her?????? I cleaned up, jumped in the sack and was getting the real cold shoulder. New something was wrong, just didn't know what I had done wrong this time. Finally she broke the ice and said HAPPY 8TH ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!! OH S---. I was still able to talk my way out of the house for the weekend. Sure didn't forget the next 4 or 5 though.
Fairweather?? Of course I hunt in Fairweather.
and the cold.
and the rain
and the snow
and the sleet
when it's 110 in the shade. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
and -15 below :eek:
when it's calm
and when the winds blowing.
hunted during floods
even hunted during a tornado once. :eek:

fairweather?? heck yeah I hunt during fair weather. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Crazywolf, now you're loggin' son. A man after my own heart. We'll rest when we're dead right? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Shooter, you talking about that one room schoolhouse reminded me of the beginning of my hunting career. We used to bus to a one roomer. We would gather at a neighbor's and wait for the bus, 7 or 8 kids. I was about 6 years old,living in a rural area. I would hide in the ditch as the other kids got on the bus. When it left I used to spend my fall days in the fields, ditches and fencerows. During pheasant season it was heaven for me. The bird hunters would show up and I would dog for them. I knew where the game was and I could get through the cover. I guess that was my first guiding job.LOL
One Sat. morning, I stole a paring knife from the kitchen and went hunting for crows and rabbits. There were lots of cottontails around and they would hold the cover if you moved slowly enough. I had a classmate with me, Roland Tucker. We didn't get any crows or rabbits, but when we broke the cover at the end of the cornfield, there was a Canada Goose on the ground. I don't know if it was injured or what, but when I ran screaming at it with the paring knife,it flew into the fence. I piled on top of it and it proceeded to pound me senseless with it's wings and bill.When the dust settled, I was lying in it and the goose was headed south. Roland Tucker had stood there screaming like a girl :eek: the whole time instead of helping. Of course he screamed a lot harder when I chased him through the cornfield with the paring knife. I've been a lot pickier about my hunting partners since then. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif HOL Redfrog

How is this for determination . Last Fall , My hunting partner and i were go to Globe for the PM hunt which is usually a 19 hr drive (1200 miles) but we had to leave in the middle of a winter storm . We tried to drive aorun it but wound up gettting delayed out side of San Antonio ( closed I-10 because of snow and ice for 6 1/2 hrs.) once they opened up the road we were on our once again we thought . We were delayed again in El Paso this time ( light switch went out on the vehicle , spent 2 1/2 hrs. trying to fix it . ) Finally just said forget it and continued to Drive on into Globe. What should have been a 19 hrs.turned into 32 hrs. Left at 7 pm the 27 and arrived 2 am the 29 .
But all things aside the hunt was a blast and got to meet a lot of the people from the board there.

Sean, just to hunt coyotes? Perfect, but you'll do. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Redfrog
About a month ago I (youngster) woke up at 11am on a Friday, went to work from 3-12:30, stayed up all night and went hunting until 9am. (crow hunting). I slept for 3.5 hours and went to work again. I then stayed up all night and went hunting again on Sunday. A grand total of 54 hours awake with 3.5 hours sleep. FOR CROWS! I don't think I shot any that weekend. And I didn't just stay awake for the heck of it, I don't get home until 1:15am. Add shower and time spent posting here and it was time to go set-up. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I have yet to sleep in on a weekend since bowhunting season started 6 months ago.
And it wasn't all fair weather, of course, being the first one up a mountain after 6 inches of snow at 5am was plenty fair to me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Well, I have done just about all of those Redfrog... LOL

I have given up my smokes so I would be able to get gas to go hunting, I got a ticket for no state inspection and no registration sticker on my car on Christmas Day on my way to the deer lease, and I knew they were out of date when I left, I have dumped 2 girlfriends after they told me they wanted me to spend the weekend with them after they knew I had planned on hunting before hand. While I was hunting they moved out and went along their merry little way, one of which I still havent spoken to since, (8 yrs. ago).

I had hypothermia 2 years ago because I refused to go in because of a little rain, which turned out to be 3" and the temparture dropped from 58* to 30* in a few short hours. I have come close to losing a job because the supervisor told me I couldnt take off, after I had already put in for the time to go for opening day of deer season.

So I admit it, I am a HARDCORE DIEHARD HUNTER!!!
And you know what?? I wouldnt change any part of the past and I would do each and every one of these again and wouldnt think twice about the consequences... Cause I LOVE my sport!! LMAO
Redfrog really??
"Rest When we're dead"???
Thought you were hard core man!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

If they don't have coyotes and critters to hunt in the afterlife I aint a goin'. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
HEY SEAN!!!! I know where Center is, I got kin folk in San Augustine and Nacodoches. Come on out and hunt AZ Cuz.Quote:

Bluedeacon>>>Ok buddy! Name names and make 'em good (Sean and I are first cousins /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ) Shudder to think I might have kin folks in Arizona (which I know I do lol)
Redfrog that wasn't to hunt coyotes. That was to meet some of the finest people on the face of the earth. The members of Predator Masters! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Hunting the coyotes was just a little icing on the cake /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif The El Paso to Globe was done on the main Interstate with no tail lights at 80 miles an hour lol.....We got that far and I sure as heck wasn't turning back. Get him to tell you about misfiguring the expenses and barely squeezing back to East Texas. Oh yeah forgot. Every morning at Globe was started out with no Tail lights either lol. Ya know the cops just looked the other way /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ... >>>>>>>James L.
You too James????? All right!!! Randy, Larry, and Russell Smith, my Aunt Glenda Smith. Friends would include Andy Trickle and Clayton Haley. My Uncle (Caroll Smith) worked for the co-op in San Augustine until he died. My cousin Russell is now an attorney in Nacodoches.
As far as hunting goes, I hunted so hard for my 1st yote, I gave myself pneumonia. I was working swings, would come home, sleep a couple of hours and be out in the snow before daylight and hunt right up until time to go to work. Days off? Hunted from dawn to dusk.
Crazywolf. I'll bet tying a knot in the devil's tail would make a heck of a howler. :eek: Maybe I won't rest, instead I'll call those cosmic coyotes. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

It's beginning to sound like any one of you guys could drag your bedroll to my campfire. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
