Two coyotes tonight


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1st stand I howled and a pack answered deep. We moved but they did not respond again. We backed out to the farm entrance and set up again. Before I set the call out my buddy saw a coyote at the edge of the field just inside the wood line. I bark stopped him and we double tapped him, 75 yds, DRT.
Next stand on a different farm I howled and the pack answered way out in another field. We moved and finally got them to answer again to a female in heat. They were across a creek and up on a hill side. I played that a couple of times then went silent for a minute or 2. I selected Bump and Grind and within a few seconds we saw a coyote in the woods across the creek, about 140 yds. All that I could see was his head and all my buddy could see was his body. We counted down and double tapped him, DRT.