Tripod Female Last Night


Well-known member
Well, last night Tripod (a small female) and I finally met up. Again, the 25-06 performed great around 11:50 PM at 82 yards, but did leave an exit of about the size slightly larger than a half dollar coin. The exit was clean, no big blow out. Easily sewed up if necessary. This is the 13th kill with the new Infiray Bolt TL-35 v2.





Click On The Photo To See Video.

13th Bolt, 3-25-25, Female Tripod, 82 Yds, Scope & Trail Camera by David Vance, on Flickr
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Thanks everybody. Wolverines, over the years I have shot several that were missing a paw or part of one. I assume they had been caught in traps. I killed one also that was missing a rear leg. That coyote managed to get around pretty good. Probably the saddest one I saw (via trail camera) was what looked to be a male that was missing a whole front leg from the shoulder down. He had to lift his body and hop on that one front leg. I got one trail camera video of him and haven't seen him since. That was either last year or the year before. He was furred up pretty good and looked healthy. How he could get something to eat is a mystery to me. I imagine he was more of a scavenger than being able to catch food. Coyotes are tough as a pine knot, and resilient.
What they’ve actually found was most of those “tripods” were shot coyotes. Or should I say, shot “at” coyotes.
I've never trapped, but always assumed it was from trapping. I have heard the same thing though, that missing body parts are more than likely caused from bullets.
Thanks, Keith. It started out slow but really picked up lately. I think I got 9 within the last month. My total so far is 16 since last August. I have been baiting since 2011 and this is the best season I have had.