Stubby Bob


Well-known member
Made the set next to the standing corn, facing south towards the portion of the field that had been chopped already. Light wind from the south west.

Finally had a pair coming at the 19 minute mark. The lead one I never saw again, but this guy came on a string.

You could see him checking on his partner, but I don't know what happened to him.

Finally took the shot when he stopped around the 75 yard mark.

I let the pup distress play for a while after the shot, then went into a couple other calls, but no luck.

Probably 15 minutes went by, so I shut the call off, & went to pick it up & check out the kill. Got almost to him, & scanned the field where he came from, & spotted another. I hustled back to the gun, & started the caller back up, I got a little video of him, but couldn't coax it in, & he went out of sight. I'm not sure if it was #3 or one of the original pair.

Surprised when I finally got back to checking the one I shot, I found he was missing the lower half of his right front leg. Looking at the video, you can see he has a little hitch in his giddyup, but he looked to be a well fed male. I shot a stubby last year several miles away too.
Amazing how adaptable they are. Year before last my trail camera got video of a coyote missing a whole front leg. He had to lift his body up and push forward as he walked. He appeared healthy. A few years ago I shot one that was missing a hind leg, and have shot a few missing a paw. Last year I got one that had a broken snare around his neck. It was tight too. They are tough.
Good going alf. Not sure where you’re from, but up here in the NE, I will sit quietly for at least 15-20 minutes after calling or a shot. I know it isn’t popular everywhere, but it has been a good tactic for picking up an extra for me. Congratulations on a great hunt!!

They are tough! Ive got a bunch on camera with missing limbs. Some over several seasons. Amazing animals!
Stubby Bob pic:
