Sometimes the laughs are better than the calling.


Well-known member
Went out with my Cousins boy this morning to make some stands. First 2 stands were a bust with only some yappers on the first stand. On stand 3 he says he wants to carry my shotgun. It's an AK style blaster that he likes cuz it looks cool.šŸ˜Ž
Maybe 2 minutes in i hear him whisper "coyote ".
I look his direction and promptly see a coyote trot in from behind us and stops 90Ā° to our right and only 10-15 yrds away.
Instead of waiting for the coyote to pass in front of us going towards the call, he panics, swings gun right, spooks coyote and......DRILLS the dirt 1 ft behind the coyote @ 15ish yrds and proceeds to sling lead 3 more times hitting NOTHING!
We looked for blood and coyote and found neither.
He then proceeds to tell me he thinks my red dot is off so I set up a flat rock at 15 yrds and told him to take his time and squeeze. POOF instant rubble.
All I could do was shake my head and laugh.
Several more blanks and the wind started to pick up so we headed home.
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also when one partner is out setting up the call and the other partner is suppose to keep watch for any coyotes coming from anywhere during the set up. do not get distracted by how cool the farmers combine looks thru the thermal scanner while they are cutting soybeans after dark. :)

i did that while limbhanger10 was setting up the call, he comes back and says where did that coyote go, i say, "what coyote" he says "the one that ran right by you"

I dunno :ROFLMAO: