Something Different


New member
Was calling a stand that has been a big producer of foxes, bobcats, and coyotes in the past. Played a few rabbit distresses and platinum grey fox with no luck. I play pound town and am about to end the stand when I see something walking the furthest tree line I can see at ~400 yards. I couldn’t tell what it was when it left the field so I put on a field mouse dist. I see it stick just its head out about 200 yards away and go back in. I mute the field mouse sound after a couple more minutes and when I look to my left I see a raccoon less than 100 yards away running straight at me. First raccoon I’ve called in.
I like hearing other's stories and seeing how different everyone's experiences are from around the country. Up here in MI, if I shot every coon that came into the field or popped it's head out of a tree when I was calling I'd never kill any coyotes! :LOL: They really raise heck with my sweetcorn, so I opt to trap them around it in the summer.
Unfortunately we thermal hunt the same places we trap. The goal is to remove as many predators as possible, but it really sucks for thermal hunting sometimes, lol. And yeah, I called in a coon one night to Baby Cottontail. He died just like a coyote or bobcat would’ve!! I’m a target of opportunity type of guy, lol!