Some days it doesn't pay to shoot targets

204 AR

Well-known member
Yesterday it was cold but the wind was down for a change so I had to do a little target shooting, thought I'd check zero on a few because sometimes I swap scopes or zeroed in some wind.

It was mostly frustrating. My grendel was flinging the first shot wide on most groups. I might have tracked that down to a scope mount. Nothing shot as well as it should have. There was some mirage at times, which I've noticed plenty of times on cold days and thinking back I don't think I've ever shot my best groups in those cold, clear days. I ended up dumping a rifle on it's scope as I picked up it's neighbor and the sling caught it and pulled it out of the rack and had to re-zero it again. Now I'm questioning a couple of scopes and over all the whole thing was a waste of ammo.

Just venting, day off from work, too crappy out to do anything outside today. Tried to hunt last night but the snow started early and really couldn't see too far, although the thermals worked better than I would have guessed in those conditions. If you had to hunt in it, it can be done. But it seems silly to have 8k worth of electronics out in the snow to get a coyote when there'll be better nights.
I was bored yesterday so had to get out and shoot. Had a 15 MPH 90 degree crosswind and about 10 degrees. Followed the dope and made good hits at 500 with a 223 and 6 ARC.

204, How do you like your Nocpix scope? I'm thinking about trying one.
I like it so far, just need more opportunities to get out. Their firmware updates seem to have addressed the 2 issues I had, which was rangefinder not working with a suppressor, and bdc changing with zoom. I was hitting p-dogs with it at 350 the other day using the bdc.

Two more days of arctic weather, then things are looking nice.
I like it so far, just need more opportunities to get out. Their firmware updates seem to have addressed the 2 issues I had, which was rangefinder not working with a suppressor, and bdc changing with zoom. I was hitting p-dogs with it at 350 the other day using the bdc.

Two more days of arctic weather, then things are looking nice.
How did the suppressor mess with it?
It must have been picking it up somehow, even before I bought it I had heard that it wouldn't range far with long barrels and suppressors without doing the firmware update.