Repeater or single shot?

I checked it a couple of times and I "think" its a 14 twist but I can't say I'm 100% sure. My Pro Shot patches are so dang tight I have to use a 20 cal jag just to get them through the barrel. They clean good but are a bear pushing them through.

I did some adjusting on the trigger this afternoon. It breaks just under 2lbs now and nice and crisp with very little over travel. Not much you can do with the triggers on these and no aftermarket triggers are available. I'm wondering if a different spring would take it a little farther down? My L461 has a Canjar set trigger and it is LIGHT! Nothing like that for the L46 unfortunately.
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Shot the Sako this morning. Sure wasn't a banner day. Overcast and windy but WTH lets shoot anyway. I'm thinking my barrel may be the 16 twist as it sure didn't seem to like the 52 grain Berger Match bullets and H335. Wasn't horrible but not what I was hoping for but I always want bugholes. Not happening today but its very seldom that I get a bughole group first time out. I have a bunch of factory Winchester I picked up at a gunshow. 50 grain SP bullets that shoot terrible. But they didn't shoot any better in another 222 I had. I'll use them for fouling and plinking until they are gone and use the brass for handloads. I have plenty of time so the work/fun has just begun.
My trigger is around 8oz, I bought it used and it was def used for benchrest matches. Idk when I will get out to try mine with the lightweight bullets. Started a new job today so schedule is too busy atm