
medic joe

Active member
I've had the pleasure of watching many Red litters grown up. Below is a female that came back from an early morning hunt. She paused at the main entrance hole. Stared down that hole. (I couldn't hear if she made a vocal sound) But then her kits poured out & started nursing right away. Red kits when born they are a typical mousy greyish/brown. They are born with dark slate blue eyes. By the age of 8 weeks old. Their eyes are amber in color. Their fur color continues to mature until around the age of 10-11 weeks old. Changing color a little more after that from what I have seen. The older kits will range/hunt on their own a little ways from the den site. As they explore & learn more. The only time they explore & hunt as a "group". Is when their mother takes them out early morning or late evening. When they are around 6 weeks old. The alpha female is their primary care taker & teacher. In her absence, if they are weaned. The male will take over her duties with his kits. Over my years of observations of the Reds. I have seen 1 coal black adult Red. I have also seen a dusky black adult red. Running along side of another adult red. That was "calico" colored. In my time road hunting & observing the reds. I have only seen if I recall 2 adult "Cherry" Red Fox. They were so dark red & beautiful. So I passed on them. Another oddity I've seen. Was 1 active Red den site. That female had her kits very late in the year. I believe they were around 9-10 weeks old in (mid October). Had I not seen it with my own eyes. I doubt I would've believed it true. The most kits I've seen in one litter was 14. The two prior years of that old female. She had 11 kits 2 yrs in a row. Another oddity I've witnessed. Was an old female, who each Spring had 5 kits. Right at 1/2 mile from her den site. In opposite directions. Were 2 other den sites with young adults female reds. Who only had 2 kits each.

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