Recoil effects on electronic optics with shotguns


New member
Tennessee just gave hunters the green light for night hunting for coyotes and bobcats. One of the restrictions is shotgun only and no single projectiles. My question is, if I mount a thermal or night vison scope on my shotgun, is the difference in recoil from a rifle vs shotgun going to damage my scope?
I have a Pulsar Talion XQ38 for which I have mounted it on my 12 gauge, it could handle the recoil but my eyes couldn't. The eye relief is about 2 inches and with wearing
glasses doesn't give me much room for error as far as getting scoped, you can shoulder it as much as you can but with a 1 1/2 oz. -2 oz. load especially on second follow up shot
beware. I have moved scope to my 223 and went back to red dot and red light mounted on shotgun and thermal scanner.