Question on the BCA side charger I have


Active member
I haven't got to get out to the shooting range with the 6mm Arc BCA upper I bought yet.
I hope I can soon but its been pretty busy at home.

My question is I bought this as a Side Charger. Which I like the Side charger function. I plan at some point to put a better bolt in and from reading the JP Enterprises is the one I have found a lot of people talk about.
Also if it doesn't shoot well I plan to rebarrel it with a KAK barrel.

My question is on the Bolt Carrier itself. Is this something that might need to be replaced? If so what BCG should I look at for the side charging.
You probably doing the proper thing ( Toss Their Bolt ) and with getting a quality JPE Bolt for their BCG . the rest of the BCG is probably OK, just check it over good when shooting on 1st range trip.

( me ) when I bought a BCA side charge upper to mount my own barrel on the upper build . On the BCA BCG, I tossed their Bolt right off the getgo, and used my own Bolt/extractor, I also ended-up tossing their firing pin for better, theirs was crap . The side-charge upper and BCG are working great, no bitches on accuracy or function. it always shoots consistent group size @ 100 yrd..
Only issues Ive had with their side chargers is some under gassed issues and some broken firing pins. Im not sure if the firing pin issue was a grendel type 1 vs type 2 vs which ever length is milspec and if there is a difference.
As far the under gassed problems Ive fought some 6x6.8 6x45 and 6 hagar uppers that would not even extract the spent case. I swapped the bcgs with other uppers that were older gen bcgs and got them to run except for the 6 hagar. We had 3 custom built with conservatively sized gas ports on rifle plus 2 gas length. 1 of them ran perfect on a milspec parts. After trying everything I switched one of the 2 under gassed barrel over to a milspec rear charging upper from gen2 sidecharge and it was gassed and ran perfectly. I know there is something going on with gas leaking somewhere on atleast some of the sidechargers. I wish I could find a Lantac sidecharge bcg to try.
i guess i'll say from expierence - before you start swapping stuff out, take it out for a test drive first.

for example.... its a relatively known thing that they've had problems with their 7.62x39 firing pins for a while now failing at an abysmal rate. google it, its all over youtube and such.

the thing is, how much of it is an accurate representation vs the volume they produce and how much is a "i had a problem with it so i'll post about it, but wont talk about the other 5 i have that worked great" bias?

im not suggesting that if you have a brand preference for some things (like bolts, firing pins, extractors, whatever ) that you dont swap them out, just i guess that its worth checking to see if you have a problem before you just assume there is one because of what you read online. they move a *LOT* of product, including selling uppers under the ar-stoner brand name thru midway.
The side charge carrier is proprietary. However the actual bolt is a milspec bolt. The only thing I have replaced on both of my BCA bolts are the firing pins and extractors. JP makes an awesome enhanced extractor..... Both of my BCA uppers are shooters