Pennsylvania Thermal !!


Active member
Just a shout out to PA Predator hunters who hunt with Night Vision or Thermal.
“Sheri Baity”
This is the LADY who made it happen for us here in Pa. SHE is the one who got the law changed in November 2020. HB 1188 should have been named the “SHERI BAITY BILL” she spent hours, miles, and quite a few meetings in Harrisburg, PA.
Be awesome if we all supported her, her book is available on Amazon.
who ever did it, my wife is mad at you. she was fine with the redlight gear but when NV and thermal came in she saw me spend 1,300 on NV and then buy a thermal scanner to go with the NV and then buy a thermal scope to go with the thermal scanner.

yeah...shes mad at you

but i love you :)
It was crazy that PA took so long.

I could hunt NY and OH with thermal but still had to use lights here.

I believe it took 3 or 4 sessions (2+ years)before it was even brought up ...then it was another year plus of getting pushed off to the side in Worthlessburg
And finally got on the schedule ...
Was no different than the use of Semi-auto rifles...which are now legal statewide.... except they are not permitted for Big game- small game and predator/ furbearers only
It was crazy that PA took so long.

I could hunt NY and OH with thermal but still had to use lights here.

I believe it took 3 or 4 sessions (2+ years)before it was even brought up ...then it was another year plus of getting pushed off to the side in Worthlessburg
And finally got on the schedule ...
Was no different than the use of Semi-auto rifles...which are now legal statewide.... except they are not permitted for Big game- small game and predator/ furbearers only
Yes, but you pull the gas tube out, leave that at home and it's legal... from a wardens mouth.