Our deer gun season ended Sunday and so it begins

Infidel 762

Staff member
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The old pump jack sputters a blue flame while in the distance, the engines of distant pumping units pop rhythmically. As a kid, I used to hear their thumping and imagine Indians dancing around the fire, beating their drums and passing the peace pipe, while grandfather peyote brought visions. A lot has changed out here over the years, but some things remain the same.

Today, I checked the news and read about a war in Gaza, Russians in Ukraine, drought, famine, political polarization, and more. It's easy to lose serenity just by watching main stream media. The term "programming" is aptly named because it comes with a political spin. But today, I choose to think for myself and not buy into it. Instead, I'm going hunting.

The world will continue to turn, spinning madly on, but when I'm out in the field, it seems to spin a little slower. There's something in the air, both within and without, that transcends the boundaries of this world. Hunting is a moment of respite, where those boundaries are but illusions. It's a place where one can take a breath and clear the mind, where our instincts are woven with nature, creating a seamless continuity that defies polarization. It's a primitive freedom, seeking solace in a holistic truth, one that is not influenced by political spin.


The coyotes were quite active. I managed to call them in on almost every stand until after midnight. However, their activity slowed down and they became less vocal once the waning crescent moon began rising. Despite this, I pressed on until sunrise, focusing on the things I could control - location, setups, avenues of approach, and direction of my scent cone. I used the same sequence - first, I would start with a series of lone howls, followed by a couple of minutes of silence, and then some whimpers and whines mixed with bird and rabbit distress. If nothing showed up within the first 15-20 minutes, I would start trying to sound like a couple of excited, worked-up coyotes yapping, and then go into some type of fight and pup distress.


Imagine looking down from the moon at the human race, seeing soldiers marching and wars raging. We are a destructive species.
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WTG Killer! Night season doesn't start here until 01/01/24. Starting to get things around though. Even on a good night I can't seem to hunt until daylight. About 3 or 3:30 I turn into a pumpkin if I don't get home.
WTG Killer! Night season doesn't start here until 01/01/24. Starting to get things around though. Even on a good night I can't seem to hunt until daylight. About 3 or 3:30 I turn into a pumpkin if I don't get home.
I eat a few packs of peanut butter crackers driving between farms, eat a can of soup around midnight and a jug of water and instant coffee to drink. I hunt straight through and the night just flies by.

i have an 8-5 office job, i have to do physical exertion of some sort or my depression kicks in. I try to write positive things when I post but in real life I can slip into some really dark places in my mind and isolate. In the early 2000s I was in an impatient treatment center for alcohol abuse and they had us journal our feelings as a therapeutic outlet. I am still sober to this day but I don’t journal like they made us do in treatment. Over the years some of the stuff I have written and posted on here has given me that same therapeutic release. I hear members talk about all the knowledge they have gotten from PM, well for me this place has given me an outlet on grey days. Only a small amount of what I start writing gets posted, much gets deleted when I proofread. I go back and say “this is irrelevant, off topic, obscure or negative” like this reply, it may be best to just hit delete…. Ah what the hell… imma gonna just hit post, lol
Excellent post and great photos, Infidel 762.

A LOT of internal and external negativity dissipated for me when I stopped consuming the "news" and deleted facebook. Those things can poison a mind.
I suffer from the ethonal affliction myself. Wasted too much time in my 20's trying to numb things with alcohol and it took me to a lot of dark places. I've been sober 5 years now; trying to deal with my issues in a healthy manner now. All this to say that I'm glad you're here and I'm glad that you're taking us on your adventures.
CONGRATULATIONS ON STAYING SOBER. I have never had those issues but know those who have and have the utmost respect for those who stay the course. The outdoors has always been my "haven" since I was a small kid and know where you are coming from.
As HM said, your prose is second to none!! Sometimes heavy but now I have an idea from where it is coming.