Online Coyote Class with Geoff Nemnich


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Does anyone have experience with the newly released online coyote class with Geoff Nemnich? Thoughts? $399 for the first year and $99 per year for continued access/perks.

Coyote Class

There are a few areas of the listed course content that look interesting but it looks like most content has already been covered by Geoff in the Eastmans' Predator Pros podcast. I'm always looking to learn something new. Undecided.
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Yeah, I tend to agree with DLR on this one. I don’t know what you get with the online course, but with all of the information available nowadays I can’t imagine you’re going to get anything that isn’t out there already.

The coyotes will teach you more than Geoff ever could, and they’ll do it for free. Well… maybe at the expense of your sanity! Lol..
Does anyone have experience with the newly released online coyote class with Geoff Nemnich? Thoughs? $399 for the first year and $99 per year for continued access/perks.

Coyote Class

There are a few areas of the listed course content that look interesting but it looks like most content has already been covered by Geoff in the Eastmans' Predator Pros podcast. I'm always looking to learn something new. Undecided.
I agree with double lung on this one YouTube has lots of good info for free And there’s nothing wrong with asking fellow predator hunters about how to, but I would never think of charging someone for telling someone my technique or my advice on a certain question but nothing beats the experience of trial and error so in saying that feel free to p.m. me about questions you might have would be glad to help out and fellow predator Hunter
I got a scholarship to the school of hard knocks. Flunked out the first few years, however.
20 years later still no diploma. :LOL:
Geoff is just trying to make a living.

I’m sure it would be beneficial, as he is an absolute killer, but no way am I paying 400 dollars for any online schooling on killing coyotes. They call different In different parts of the country, and what he does in the sand hills doesn’t work in PA…. Not even close
Perfectly said fellas. Is Geoff good at it, ABSOLUTELY. I have never been out in that country to hunt (have toured through the SW to The upper MW plus all in between and can say for certain in my mind that it would be a different hunting style than what I have to do back here in PA.
Does anyone have experience with the newly released online coyote class with Geoff Nemnich? Thoughts? $399 for the first year and $99 per year for continued access/perks.

Coyote Class

There are a few areas of the listed course content that look interesting but it looks like most content has already been covered by Geoff in the Eastmans' Predator Pros podcast. I'm always looking to learn something new. Undecided.
Does anyone have experience with the newly released online coyote class with Geoff Nemnich? Thoughts? $399 for the first year and $99 per year for continued access/perks.

Coyote Class

There are a few areas of the listed course content that look interesting but it looks like most content has already been covered by Geoff in the Eastmans' Predator Pros podcast. I'm always looking to learn something new. Undecided.
Like to add 1 more thing. There is an awful lot of good info and a whole lot of experience right here on this forum.
I started this coyote hunting thing about 5 years ago, and like many have already said, learned a lot from youtube videos. I watched Hidden Instinct and their how to series and it helped a bunch. And like HM1996, I'm still working on my school of hard knocks degree. I haven't even gotten my technicians certificate yet, but I'm trying.
Trial and error is how I started and learned a lot on my own from there. And I learn something every time I go out. I reach out to folks here as well as other forums with questions. SnowmanMo has several posts in this forum Predator Hunting 101 that speak to a lot of the basics.
My company uses online courses and they give you the basic knowledge, but I’m a hands on person. I can watch videos and take courses to perform brain surgery, but I can promise that NO ONE would ever let me operate on them.
Nah, unless I can spend time doing it with someone experienced and in my area, I’m better off just learning on my own.
I was lucky when I started turkey hunting that I hooked up with a “kid” that has a turkey somewhere in his family tree. I hunted numerous States with him and afterwards started striking out on my own to other states. This “kid” went on to be very successful in the hunting community and has even won the NWTF calling Championship. Talk about someone to learn from, lol.
I’ve learned a ton on this site from reading and applying. Am I always successful, nope, but that’s learning!!
My company uses online courses and they give you the basic knowledge, but I’m a hands on person. I can watch videos and take courses to perform brain surgery, but I can promise that NO ONE would ever let me operate on them.
Nah, unless I can spend time doing it with someone experienced and in my area, I’m better off just learning on my own.
I was lucky when I started turkey hunting that I hooked up with a “kid” that has a turkey somewhere in his family tree. I hunted numerous States with him and afterwards started striking out on my own to other states. This “kid” went on to be very successful in the hunting community and has even won the NWTF calling Championship. Talk about someone to learn from, lol.
I’ve learned a ton on this site from reading and applying. Am I always successful, nope, but that’s learning!!
I know of a few peoples brains I'd like to see you work on:ROFLMAO:
They call different In different parts of the country, and what he does in the sand hills doesn’t work in PA…. Not even close

Could you elaborate a little on how your calling style differs from his? I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just hoping to pick you brain and gain a little knowledge.
Could you elaborate a little on how your calling style differs from his? I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just hoping to pick you brain and gain a little knowledge.
I’m not ChrisLD, but I don’t think the “calling style” differs so much as the setups based on terrain features, cover, wind patterns, hunting pressure and amount of time spent on a set.

Coyotes still respond to distress and coyote vocals. They just seem to act and react a bit differently here in the east.

Just my opinion.
I’m not ChrisLD, but I don’t think the “calling style” differs so much as the setups based on terrain features, cover, wind patterns, hunting pressure and amount of time spent on a set.

Coyotes still respond to distress and coyote vocals. They just seem to act and react a bit differently here in the east.

Just my opinion.
Interesting. Would you say they, eastern coyotes, need a bit more coaxing and time to come in? I know Geoff seems like he is more wam bam on to the next stand.
Can't thrash a guy for trying to make a living doing what he loves. Not a whole lot different than hiring a guide. Except guided hunts you're just the trigger man. He's at least trying to teach you the craft. At least shortening the learning curve.