Not sure how, but one died.


Well-known member
I started my night by slipping along a logging road towards my preselected set, in the dark, no light using my shooting sticks as a "feeler stick". I didn't want to use a light if I didn't have to. I ran into this tree across my path, thinking I had got out of the road.


I turned on my head lamp and crawled through this mess getting my seat hung multiple times, my gun over my shoulder hung up, pulled my call bag zipper open dumping everything out. Most of the leaves were dry so noisy to say the least. This all happening 25 yrds before my intended set. I only have a logging road for visibility with ultra thick woods/swamp on each side. I was after a couple of black coyotes I had multiple pics of in this general area.



I was totally soaked with sweat from the 1/2 mile walk in the dark and crawling through the tree. Temp in the high 80's and humidity in the 90% range. I placed my call 30 yds in front of me on the logging road. I could see about 125 yards of road. I have never had this happen before, but I turned the remote on and the call started playing random sounds two seconds each just going from one to the other. I would mute the call and two seconds later it started up the rotation again. I finally powered it off. I knew there was no way after all this racket I had made and then the call blunder I was going to be successful on this set. I set for 10 minutes of silence in the dark just wiping sweat.
When I turned call back on, it acted normal. I started with a few howls with pauses in between, then a little pup distress but all was quiet. I decided to try fawn distress, laid my scanner on my lap and got down on the scope ready. Sure enough about 30 seconds later this female busted out of the brush right at the foxpro. It turned facing me, due to the tall grass in the road all I could see was the head. I dropped the cross hair a couple inches and pulled the trigger, the coyote disappeared. I played some other sounds for 30 minutes but nothing else came. When I went to look, a dead coyote was just 10' out of the road. Hole in the chest, right where I wanted it.
My take away from this trip, never say never. Just do your best and stay ready. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. No video, happened too fast.

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You just might have come up with a new sequence Week. I too was hoping the last pic was gonna be a black one. Good story and hunt anyhow.
Good job. Right after I bought my x24 I had it do something similar. Only time it's ever done it. I was hunting under a big power line that night so I always wonder if that had anything to do with it.
Try turning it on/off before going into the field, computers get screwed up sometimes. Comm links 'que' up commands - should be cleared on power-up but can get 'stuck'. You said your bag got dumped when crawling, probably messed it up temporary.
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That old term “bull in a china closet” comes to mind. He he. But my hat is off to you, Week. You made good of a bad situation. Persistence and effort saved the day. Congratulations. Hang in there for that black one.