"AWS that makes perfect sense I am usually scanning and looking with my binos so more than likely moving to much how far. apart is a good distance to go before the next stand is a 1/4 to half mile to far or not far enough"
Moving and scanning will get you busted.
I will scan the area when I sit down, and then again before I stand up. I very rarely scan in the middle of a set.
When I first sit down and scan, many, many times I have seen a coyote waaay out there, watching me set up. I do not call to that coyote. I figure he saw me sit down and if I start calling, he might put 2 & 2 together, and be harder to call next time. Instead, I wait a few minutes after he disappears, and then start calling.
Before I stand up, I'll scan the area again, and will occasionally see one trotting in from quite a distance that I could not see without the binos.
As to the distance between sets, on really windy days, I might only go 200yds, while on a very calm day, I might go 500yds or more. It depends on the terrain, my experience with the property, the wind and sun, and maybe a 'gut' feeling.
I've written about a honey hole I used to have, 710 acres of coyote heaven. Most of the time, I would go no further than 300yds or so between stands. That property made me think a lot about coyote boundaries/territories. I believe the coyotes know the boundary line and are not willing to cross it, if the prey animal, that's me, is to deep in the other coyotes territory.
However, if I am near the line, the other coyote might be tempted to cross the line for an easy meal.
That is why, even in the wide open spaces of Eastern Colorado, I might only go a few hundred yards between stands.
Anyway, you are getting some very good advice from these guys.