New to the game call question


New member
I have a cheap west river that i've been trying to use without much success, I have an opportunity to purchase a Foxpro Fusion, for $200, I was just wondering if this would be a good buy or am I better off putting that $200 towards a newer unit? When did the Fusion come out, and is it still considered a quality call?
It is still a good call.

Personally I'd buy a brand new FP Prowler from for $189. with 75 premium calls of your choice plus 100 FoxPro stock calls and with it you get a warranty.

I have a number of good calls and have been using a FP Patriot, pretty much the older version of the Prowler. Mine calls coyotes just fine and it is a šŸ™‚ nice compact size.

Once you get your feet wet and see what feature you think you can use then on a higher end caller, you can move up.
Many years ago my BinL had a Western Rivers wired caller and I turned it into a remote caller with a Nady remote sound system for a video camera. He called more than a few coyotes on dairy farms in northern WI. I will say this(my opinion)a caller is to only a small part of being a successful predator hunter, 90+% of being successful.predator hunter is stand location and stand management. Being where there are coyotes, setting up so you can see him coming and he can't see, hear or smell you. Not seeing you is more than hiding but just stillness and enough cover to break up your outline. Derbyacresbob lies out in the open, I sit in front of brush. Each of us have found what works for us.

Welcome aboard
Not a fan of WR but more for personal reasons. Doesn't mean It won't call coyotes. If you aren't calling any, I bet it's because of other reasons besides the call.
Don't know anything about the Prowler but the Fusion is a good call but several years old. If AWS recommends the Prowler I would go that way, esp. with a warrantee. And APC is great to deal with and quick.
I would reach out to Foxpro and find out about repaire on it I know after so many years they I think they stop repairing older models.
Darn, you mean to tell me that if my old FX3 (upgraded to FX5) that I've been using w/o a hickup for 15 years or so should falter, they might not repair it?šŸ˜¢ Oh well, it'll probably continue to serve me well if and when I do get out again. šŸ˜Š
Never used the TX1000 remote, but if I had a complaint on the old Foxpro it would be the remote, especially the small font with my old eyes are not a good match.
This is the first electronic call I bought. It had an effective line of sight distance of about 20 yards. First time I used it I called in a female coyote. Have called others with it, and my son used it to call in his first coyote.

Any call is an improvment over this one, but it goes to show that even cheap limited calls can work.
I used to carry a JS Attractor in my pocket bird hunting for those spots that just scream "Call Here" it worked just fine. Don't get too hung up on the caller when you start out.
if I had a complaint on the old Foxpro it would be the remote, especially the small font with my old eyes are not a good match.
I was content with the firestorm, until my near sited vision started to go. I got to here I could not read the font on the remote, so upgraded to the fusion, and it is the same housing and sounded just as loud. They are built like a tank and compact. I used ICOtec for a few years, got tired of carrying around its bulky, large odd size, and there were sounds in the FXP library I really missed. One day I grabbed my old fusion, went out and killed a pile and have not used ICOtec since. In my opinion when ICOtec, lost their partnership with MFK it really hurt them.