Micro Howlers…and Stuff….


Custom Call Maker
…I shouldn’t put this here but thought it might be more efficient for everyone..
I’m about 9 Micro Howler orders deep at this point. I’m doin the best I can to get thru em so I apologize and appreciate the patience. A real job and the flu have slowed it way down. All good now and will be back at it.
Another PSA/
Some of you know I’ve been having trouble with items lost in the mail, which is pretty common nowdays everywhere..but in this case we have found out that there has been postal employee/s apparently charged with mail theft/ destruction in our area. We believe some of my packages were part of this as they stopped moving and kinda looked like they never left the area. So…I am re shipping what items I can tomorrow (Tuesday). There will be a couple more howlers out on Wednesday.
Sorry for the delays. It’s been silly here.
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