MFK experiences

Zoran X

I tried 10 times to contact mfk via email, but no one answers.
very bad on their part, I'm from a small country and now I wanted to buy their sounds but they don't want to answer me....

what are your experiences?
So in other words, disregard his negative comment, “bad on thier part”, when he doesn’t know what he is doing. MFK does just fine without customers like him.
Maybe? Not everything comes through super clear in writing even in our own language without correct punctuation or a plethora of smiley faces, frowny faces or some other means of clarification. Some things get lost in translation. From memory Zoran X’s other contributing posts have not seemed like a guy that is trying to make waves. Seems like a guy seriously trying to better his equipment and is struggling a bit. Kudos to DoubleLungRage for trying to help the guy out!
I called them a while back about a turkey call. Talked to Torry for a bit about my issue. He was very knowledgeable and willing to help.
I don't know how to speak English!
I'm writing all this with the help of Google translate
I am very sorry that some members talk about me like this.

I just wanted someone to help me and contact MFK for help.
користим к24 али сам хтео да купим мфк због 100 звукова

"I use the X24 but I wanted to buy MFK because of 100 of sounds."

не испоручују у моју земљу па сам желео да их контактирам и платим све само да ми испоруче звукове.

"They don't ship to my country so i wanted to contact them and pay everything just to ship the sounds to me."
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ZoranX From them pictures I bet money they are coyotes, but I know better. Don't feel bad I called about 4 times to spend about 800 dollars, even left a message never got a call back.
ЗоранКс Са тих слика Кладим се да су којоти, али знам боље. Не осећајте се лоше Звао сам око 4 пута да потрошим око 800 долара, чак и оставио поруку никада нисам добио узвратни позив.
no, these are golden jackals.

I sent 10 emails and they never replied...

thanks for wanting to help
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