Well-known member
I killed this coyote in 2022, but I haven't shown this picture to many people. I did show him to Tory Cook who called him "the oldest coyote he'd ever seen". He estimated that he could be as old as 10. The stand location used to be referred to as our "100% stand", which might be the single best foolproof method for cursing a spot. In attempting to introduce new coyote hunters, I've let several get in and get out alive, so it doesn't produce like it used to. Anyways, playing rabbit on a Shockwave, "cagie cottontail" if my memory serves, and had one sprinting in straight upwind of the call. I shot him chest on and he dropped 120y out, never twitched. I never changed the sound, but I turned and was talking to my hunting buddy, not paying attention, and when I looked back up, this guy had just come in left to right across this short hay field. He had walked within 50' of us, while I was talking. Walked right across the path I walked to set out the call and back to the stand. He wasnt moving very quickly, and I think his senses were failing him. With one 87gr v-max from my 6arc, I sent him across that rainbow bridge. At first I thought he was mangy, but I later realized after studying the pictures, that his hair looked like that because he was so old. I wish a hundred times over I'd gotten him mounted, but I didn't. I did save the skull, but man I wish I had realized how cool he was the day I shot him. Good luck out there fellas.