

Well-known member
I killed this coyote in 2022, but I haven't shown this picture to many people. I did show him to Tory Cook who called him "the oldest coyote he'd ever seen". He estimated that he could be as old as 10. The stand location used to be referred to as our "100% stand", which might be the single best foolproof method for cursing a spot. In attempting to introduce new coyote hunters, I've let several get in and get out alive, so it doesn't produce like it used to. Anyways, playing rabbit on a Shockwave, "cagie cottontail" if my memory serves, and had one sprinting in straight upwind of the call. I shot him chest on and he dropped 120y out, never twitched. I never changed the sound, but I turned and was talking to my hunting buddy, not paying attention, and when I looked back up, this guy had just come in left to right across this short hay field. He had walked within 50' of us, while I was talking. Walked right across the path I walked to set out the call and back to the stand. He wasnt moving very quickly, and I think his senses were failing him. With one 87gr v-max from my 6arc, I sent him across that rainbow bridge. At first I thought he was mangy, but I later realized after studying the pictures, that his hair looked like that because he was so old. I wish a hundred times over I'd gotten him mounted, but I didn't. I did save the skull, but man I wish I had realized how cool he was the day I shot him. Good luck out there fellas.


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I can't help but acknowledge that I felt something profound when I really thought about this fella. He was out there, way longer than he should have been. In his prime, he was likely the king of everything he could see. He was smarter and stronger than the rest. He held dominion over everything in his world, but time comes for us all. How many other coyotes did he see die in his life? How many years had he paired, mated, and raised litters, just to see them all killed off in the first year? How many mates had he seen killed by all manner of deaths? But in the end, he was still earning a living out there, with barely any teeth left, greatly diminished senses, slower, weaker, frail like an old man. He didn't have a nursing home to check into so he could live out his last days in peace. There is no hospice for them, no easy way out. They don't get to die in their sleep. I love and respect these coyotes, and I kill them, which would sound like a ridiculous statement to any group anywhere, but to the people on this forum, who understand, and no coyote I've encountered has ever been more worthy of respect.
Yes, I would say it was a fitting end to an old warrior, and a merciful one actually. When I began hunting coyotes, it was out of hatred for killing things I loved. That hatred grew into respect for an animal that gets no respect. Yes, I understand the ranchers, farmers, deer clubs, etc. who want them gone and we do the best we can to help them by keeping the numbers lower on the lands we hunt. Coyote is a survivor and a worthy adversary. Sometimes we win and sometimes coyote wins. I'm sure like most of you, when I squeeze the trigger, I'm hoping for instant death. I don't like to see animals suffer, not even coyote.
I love and respect these coyotes, and I kill them, which would sound like a ridiculous statement to any group anywhere, but to the people on this forum, who understand, and no coyote I've encountered has ever been more worthy of respect.
Very well put. I've always held coyotes in high regard. People I talk to can't understand this as I hunt as many and as often as possible however I do not in the spring or summer of the year. I have respect for the critters enough to not starve out a den of pups and I think I feel a bit better about giving the years crop a chance to wise up before I get after them in the late fall and winter. I respect the hell out of them and always will. I've always said that if God gave me the choice to only hunt one animal ever again in my life, I'd choose a coyote every time.
Coyote is a survivor and a worthy adversary. Sometimes we win and sometimes coyote wins. I'm sure like most of you, when I squeeze the trigger, I'm hoping for instant death. I don't like to see animals suffer, not even coyote.
They really are survivors. The jaw was completely healed and mostly missing, yet he had obviously not missed too many meals. Wondered many times how he managed to eat and even to drink water.

I've always said that if God gave me the choice to only hunt one animal ever again in my life, I'd choose a coyote every time.