Lounge Chairs


Active member
I thought it might be interesting to see what some of you boys use to set on when out calling. I've gone from using nothing, and setting on bare ground, to the X frame stadium chairs that you see at Sportsman's Warehouse and other outlets. There are a couple of issues with those. The backrest is not adjustable and you really can't get the support you need to make the best possible shot. In addition to that they are pretty flimsy and don't last all that long. A couple years ago my calling partner found a chair made by Mellinium Tree Stands that is the best setup that I've run across. It's adjustable back lets you get in the right position on uneven terrain. It's weighs half of what the others chairs weigh and it's built to last. I have a small bag attached to the back that is full of styrofoam pellets that weigh almost nothing. On a long shot I can pull it up on the top of the backrest and put the butt of the stock on it. It's like being on a bench. I will enclose a photo of mine below.

In the section called "Other calling equipment" there is a five page thread on seats, give it a gander.
I use a simple 3 legged seat with a back rest that I bought at Academy. It's very light weight and small when fold up. After having knee replacement I can not sit in any low chair such as the photo you have posted. Any chair that sits higher with a backrest becomes much heavier.
I use a kid's camp chair I got at Academy years ago. Sits low enough to get elbows on knees for near benchrest stability and (barely) high enough that I can get back up after a 30 minute stand. Backrest could stand to be a bit higher, but I can turn it at a 45* angle and even rest elbow on back for more stability.