Lone Ga Boar 07/07


Well-known member
After the last shooting Thursday I wasn’t too optimistic, but a different sounder of 5 grown pigs showed up that very night. I set my alarm for 0400, 0430, 0500, and 0530 Friday night hoping to get on them Saturday morning…of course nothing showed.
So last night I set alarms again except started at 0330. I looked at the camera each time and nothing but deer. For some reason I didn’t flip the phone back over after the 0500 alarm and the light woke me up at 0515 and there was a lone pig. I got up and got dressed and out the door in no time. I didn’t have high hopes, but on the way the camera kept sending me pics.
I parked and grabbed the SFAR and since it was a lone pig I just grabbed the Primos tripod to be a little lighter and faster. How I didn’t spook that pig with all the deer blowing at me is beyond me. I spotted him through the thermal a good ways off and thought this just might work. I knew when I made it to the lone oak and he was still on camera that I was in business.
I dropped the legs of the tripod with the trigger and got on the gun and scanned a little to see if I could catch any heat in the brush of others maybe lying down, but saw none. I hit record and the rest y’all can watch. Video is surprisingly good for 78 degrees and 95% humidity

Original sounder…


Minus 1…


Nothing on camera last night. We’ll give it a couple nights and see if the remaining show up.