Light casting shadow of gun barrel and suppressor?

Blackjack Oak17

New member
First off I am not a super serious or skilled predator hunter although it’s new to me I am not new to hunting.

I bought a cheaper light that attaches to the scope tube, however after using it last night it was apparent that the light was casting a shadow of the gun barrel and suppressor. Is there any way around this? My only thoughts without changing something significant is a light that you can adjust the beam and just make it narrow.

Rifle is a bolt gun by the way!

Any advice is appreciated!
You can try making a halo shield. Think of a scope sunshade. Wrap the flashlight head with cardboard or thin plastic to form a cylinder/tube that extends out from the lens a bit. Tape it up with electrical tape.

There’s other options like raising the light up higher with a different mount or a light that you can focus.
Take a barrel's length of electricians tape, & lightly stick it to a broom handle, piece of pipe, or something similar, and give it a light coat of matte black paint. It'll dry pretty fast, or hit it with a blow dryer, and then stick it on the barrel.