Latest and greatest sounds?

MO Coyotes

New member
It’s been about 10+ years since I’ve had the time to get out and call coyotes with any regularity. Back in those years, the FoxPro Fury was pretty much the best call on the market, and at $600 my friends thought I was crazy for buying it. I’d regularly average a coyote every 3-4 stands, and the most stone cold killers seemed to be DSG Cottontail and Pup Distress 2. Just trying to give some context for how I used to call them.

After the well seemed to dry up, and I educated them (along with the sport taking off), I only called a couple of days per year. I tried downloading whatever the “new” sounds were from FP or TT or whatever I could find. I just have not been able to have any luck at all when I go out anymore.

I’ve tried mixing up sounds, vocals only, distress only, mixes with birds, rabbit, etc. Got permission for new property a couple of times.

Long story short - I’m running out of ideas. Curious to know if people have a strong opinion on that *one sound* that you would never want to be without? Is there a really good one that you seem to get a trigger from when nothing else is working, or the dogs have been pressured?

I hunt out east, mostly near woods or even in the woods, very rarely ever draw them too far out.

My preference would be .mp3 format if you have opinions! .24B would be second choice.

Thank you!! 🙏🏼
I wish someone would post the magic sound, lol!!!
I think I’ve read it here that coyotes will respond to just about every call at some point, it’s just finding that one sound and catching them in the mood.
One night a single howl will produce multiple groups sounding off. A different night nothing on the caller will produce a sound. I consider that just hunting.
I wish someone would post the magic sound, lol!!!
I think I’ve read it here that coyotes will respond to just about every call at some point, it’s just finding that one sound and catching them in the mood.
One night a single howl will produce multiple groups sounding off. A different night nothing on the caller will produce a sound. I consider that just hunting.
I appreciate that…. I’d disagree to a certain extent, though. Pretty much every coyote hunter I’ve known has 1-2 sounds that seemed to get their highest # of responses compared to others. Meaning actually pulling coyotes out to charge the call. Wasn’t magic of course, plenty of times failing. But certain sounds seemed to have a certain cadence or reality:urgency to them that made it a top choice that they’d notice that was their “killer sound”.

Back when I was getting after it regularly, I played almost every sound my FoxPro had to offer, and there’s a ton of them that never called in a single dog. But a few that called in a bunch.

That’s all I was asking. With advances in sound clarity, so many new sounds on the market, what were people pulling even the toughest coyotes out with.
If you've been out of the game that long Lightning Jack and Johnny Stewart Grey Fox Distress should be back in style!
Lol. Thanks for the help. I’m sure those top the lists of today’s sounds in terms of clarity and realism after 15 years of advancement.
The same couple sounds I've been using for more than 20 years are still working. My go to, every stand sound, is pretty poor quality. There is some wind noise, some distortion, and in one spot you can even hear my partner cough. It's odds and ends of different rabbits I recorded. I picked the most emotional, desperate parts of five or six different jackrabbit recordings and put them together into a two minute clip. I call it Greatest Hits. Most of that two minutes, the recording quality is too poor to use commercially. So it never has been, nobody else has that sound. Although, thousands of people have the better quality portions of those same recordings on their Foxpros. This one, way too poor of quality to sell. But, that sound has been working real good, for a real long time, and I'm not going to stop using it.

foxpro sore howls usually gets a response for me

as an added thought, slamming car doors will make some turkeys gobble. Slamming car doors will not make coyotes howl :LOL:
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