Last week


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1st night.

I decided to hunt a cut corn field that throughout the past hasn't been too productive, but it's one of the few places that I can hunt while deer season is in. The field is long, but not too wide, only about 250 yards at its widest. I set my call pointing up the field away from me. With a wood line to my left and a hedge row then a highway to my right. I figured if anything came in that it would come from the wood line or from up the field straight to the call, not from the highway so I set my call only about 35 yards from the hedge row. About three minutes into Mrs. CottonTail I'm looking up the field through my scanner and two coyotes run into my screen from my right, the highway. I drop the scanner and get on the rifle, but by then they are at the call and spooked. I have no clue where one of them went to, but the other ran up the field away from me. I followed it in the scope until he stopped at around 125 or so and heart punched him. Of course I didn't hit record.


2nd night.

It was windy so I thought I'd try some thick pines. This tract is only around 70ac and has a road right down the middle. The pines were planted around 5-6 years ago so they are around 10ft tall. It was also very foggy and everyone knows that sucks for IR. So I waitied alittle bit hoping that the wind would blow the fog out of the road. After about 10 minutes I got tired of waiting so I put the call in the road about 20 yards from me. The wind was directly in my face. As I turned on my scope/light to get situated I seen a big fox about 40 yards from me walking down the road. I don't mess with foxes so I just turned on some Mrs. CottonTail. The fox came right to the call then spooked. I let the call go for about 10 minutes and didn't ever see or hear anything else. I switched over to a howl and 2-3 coyotes went off over to my left. It sounded like they were already in the pines so I thought I stood a good chance of calling them in. Then the delima came.... With it being so foggy I couldn't move because this was the only spot that had a 40-45 yard clear spot. If they came from my left they would do one of two things either rush the call or try to circle it. Either way they would be right on top of me and it would make for a quick shot. A few minutes later I hit another howl and they were 1/2 the distance. I thought to myself "they are coming". So I hit a fight call. About 30 seconds later I hear the coyotes in the pines 15-20 yards from me and then BOOOOOM two coyotes litearlly at my feet. They were trying to circle the call. One ran behind me and disappeared into the pines to my right and the other just stopped a few feet in front of me. I swing my rifle around to find it in the scope and it takes off. It gets to the call then stops and I heart punch her. She falls within 20 yards from me. The other goes back into the pines to my left and starts barking. I messed with that sucker for 2 hours trying to get him out of the pines. He would get so close that I could hear him breathing, but couldn't pick him up in my scope or scanner due to the thick pine trees. Two times he stuck his head out to smell the female, but zoomed back in before I could pull the trigger. Two times I caught his eyes in the scope, but before I could pull the trigger he would back up. Eventually I just got tired of messing with him. He finally backed up to around 60 yards and I grabbed all my stuff and left. Blurry pic.
