Last day of fall coyote


Well-known member
Got a message from a land owner Monday letting me know he was done deer hunting for the year and I was good to go coyote hunting. Wednesday he sent me a trail cam pic of a coyote he’d got that night. I looked at the weather forecast and saw Friday night was calling for a NNW wind. I let him know that I’d give it a try then. I set up on the north end of the property with my call about 50 yards further east from where I was, hoping it would give me enough room to keep them coming to the call without getting my wind. At about 11 minutes into the stand I scanned a pair coming across the field.

I really screwed up on the first coyote which cost me the double. The Rico MK2 is new to me this year and the first call-in I’ve had while using the LRF. You can see in the video I locked on the first coyote with the range finder. While starting to squeeze the trigger, at the last second I realized what I was doing. That would’ve been costly, but fortunately I was able to get on the second coyote.

Snow Winter Carnivores Freezing Wildlife

I'm not going to post a pic, but I'm still shocked that coyote was still moving after seeing the size of the hole in it's chest.

Air gun Shotgun Snow Winter Hunting

32lb male. 6mm arc/65gr vmax
Nice last minute save. That second coyote knew the gig was up. Hopefully you're able to get a second shot at taking it later this winter.
Yeah, such a bone head move on my part. I think dumping the first one and having a shot at the second one right when it took off would've been text book. The land owner sent me a pic of one from last night. I think I'll give it at least a few weeks.
It seems like there is some lag in the crosshair when you move the scope quickly. Is that just a video thing, or do you see that in the scope?
The scope has a 60hz refresh rate, and I don't see any lag on the video straight from the scope to my phone. I re-watched it here after seeing you post and I do see some serious lag at the beginning of the video. I don't know if it's from Youtube, or poor internet. I know the video quality of everything I've uploaded to Youtube has been degraded. They look much better on my phone.
good shooting, got my heart pumping watching them about to run over you.. HAHAHA LOL
Thanks. The call was 50 yards further east of me and just a touch south. They got down wind of the sound like they always do and went straight at it. It all happened just like I wanted up until me aiming with the range finder. Still pisses me off :ROFLMAO: