Killed a Pair tonight


Well-known member
This stand reminded me of the opening line from Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities. It says,

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,..."​

I spotted a pair of coyotes in a field mousing on my way home last night, but didn't have time to try calling them. So, I formulate a plan and go back tonight. Wind forecast was NE light, but when I got my gear loaded on the bike from the truck and checked the wind it was light SSW. I debate on just giving it up, but decide to reverse the stand and ride in half a mile and call behind me. One series of howls and I had two coming across the field from the west. They get to the road I had ridden in on and come right down the road. You can see the truck in the video when I get it loaded. It's looking like the Best of Times as they come right on up the road. One is in the road and the other is in the field a short way. I elect to shoot the one in the road and shank the shot somehow. "That was the worst of times."

Coyotes haul butt, but I don't shoot anymore. I wait for them to stop, and then hit them with some pup distress sounds, they seem interested, so I hit them with a fight sound. Here they come back. I kill the female at 163 yds., and the male hauls butt again. He eventually stops, but is a long way out. I hold a little high and send it. He is running dead on his feet and piles up in a field ditch. I'm not sure how far the shot was, but he was exactly 347 yds. where he fell in the ditch and was running sort of parallel to me, so the shot was at least that far as you will see in the video. So, it was back to the "The Best of Times," turning a shanked easy shot into a double in spite of the shank. I still don't know what happened other than I was trying too hard to make the double. You have to kill the first one before you can kill the second one. Here is the male where he fell in the field ditch.


And how looked after I dragged him out of it.


And the female that I killed at 163 yds. first.


I will post the video when I get it put together tomorrow.
Thanks Mike. My hunting buddy has been really sick with the flu (type B) and was in the hospital part of last week with breathing problems. Covering 360 alone is tough as you know. At 76 years old, my wife really doesn't like me hunting alone, but not much choice at this point.
I'm in the same boat as you, wife does not like for me to go alone anymore either but I still do every now and then.
We put an Ap called Life 360 on our phones that lets her track my phone. That does ease her mind some.
Hunting is kind of like sex, you can do it alone but it is a lot more fun with a partner.
Same boat as you guys. Need to look into that Ap, but wife doesn't like to use a cell phone. Don't get out lately @ 87, because wife's BP soars when I'm out of pocket. Might be a solution if I can just talk her into a cell phone. :cool:
You sure whopped it on the second shot. Looks like the first one moved just as the trigger was being squeezed.
Thanks, lockrotor and Mick.
Burn, I actually thought of calling it the "Return of the Ditch Diggers." Funny you would remember that year.
Great vid! Perfect for folks getting into coyote hunting to keep composure after a flub.... not send the lead.. and to wait it out and call them back in for the double.