interesting craigslist ad


New member
found this in the moscow/pullman craigslist.

Local vegetarian seeking responsible, mature hunter in the general vicinity of Pullman/Moscow. Looking for the meat of a healthy, legal, young buck. Your fee is negotiable. I'm only morally OK with hunted, natural, humanely-taken meat. Our transaction will occur no later than 5 days after the animal's death. Obviously, I won't be coming on the hunt with you (that's the whole idea,) so you could easily take advantage of me, and kill it however and whenever you like. This is an Honor System situation; please respect my morals and don't try to sell me anything other than a quick, clean kill.

I will also ask you to dress, portion and freeze the meat prior to our meeting. I will pick it up from you. Obviously, keep your trophy. I'm only interested in food.

Serious replies only, please. I'd like to set up a face-to-face meeting prior to your hunt.

If everything goes well, and I feel I can trust you, we might set up a recurring business relationship.
That thing offers to violate how many laws in that state? Hope someone lets the game warden for that area know about it so they can go educate the party involved.
Yeah +1 on the red flags. Gotta love those ads where the poster is "real serious," but conveniently leaves off his/her phone number. Weird.