I decided I am becoming a wuss

Yotarunner went out the other day in -37 temps-I don't care if that is F or C because they even out at -40 and in my mind, there is no difference in -37 and -40.
The last 2 nights it was in the teens here and not real windy and I stayed home with Suz and watched TV!!

Hey man... A friend and I were just talking about that. When I was younger I didn't care how cold it was. Now, when it drops below 40, I'm all about sleeping in.
Tuesday night I was in a small pop-up blind -15F. I had an old sleeping bag covering my legs, with a Buddy heater going. About a hour after shooting a coyote, I had to pee(been in the blind from sunset to 9:30). I decided shutting down heater, getting out of the bag and blind and than back into the blind/bag was just going to be COLD. So I was done for the night.
I’ve been hobbled by the weather for so long now that just because it stops snowing and blowing for a couple hours, I think it’s time to try. Last night, 11 degrees and 24”-48” of snow pack (term used loosely), mild west winds, and not snowing (until I got out there), and it seemed like a great time to try. (It wasn’t!)

I’m no wuss, but I sure ain’t all that smart! 🤪
I learned that I was becoming a wuss at 36 :cry:. We were in the mountains on a cold winter day playing in the snow. Had a snowboard and decided it would be fun to pull each other around with the truck using 20 or so feet of climbing rope. It was all fun and games until it was my turn to be pulled. I'm flying along getting a little air here and there and then the rope decided it was time to regroup. The stretch in it pulled back to unstretched and shot me like a rocket forward. I went flying and hit the road with a thud and no bounce! That was the first time in my life that I didn't bounce after falling. It was at that point in my life that I knew I was becoming a wuss. Normal cold doesn't bother me too much, but sub zero isn't as fun as it used to be 😖.
I learned that I was becoming a wuss at 36 :cry:. We were in the mountains on a cold winter day playing in the snow. Had a snowboard and decided it would be fun to pull each other around with the truck using 20 or so feet of climbing rope. It was all fun and games until it was my turn to be pulled. I'm flying along getting a little air here and there and then the rope decided it was time to regroup. The stretch in it pulled back to unstretched and shot me like a rocket forward. I went flying and hit the road with a thud and no bounce! That was the first time in my life that I didn't bounce after falling. It was at that point in my life that I knew I was becoming a wuss. Normal cold doesn't bother me too much, but sub zero isn't as fun as it used to be 😖.

Been there, done that. Got the scar.
The car showed -30 on the way to work yesterday. That beat the old record here by 14, I don't ever think I've seen it quite that cold but could be wrong. It got up to zero yesterday and my buddy and I gave it serious consideration to get out but didn't. Today it's 13 above but breezier and probably won't go tonight either.
Yotarunner went out the other day in -37 temps-I don't care if that is F or C because they even out at -40 and in my mind, there is no difference in -37 and -40.
The last 2 nights it was in the teens here and not real windy and I stayed home with Suz and watched TV!!
I believe I've joined the wuss club too.

In fact, when I saw yota man out at minus 37, I was going to say put a plus in front of that & I might go....ha ha.

20's I don't mind, teens better not be any wind, below that & it's the TV remote & a blanket....😁😁😁😁
Yotarunner went out the other day in -37 temps-I don't care if that is F or C because they even out at -40 and in my mind, there is no difference in -37 and -40.
The last 2 nights it was in the teens here and not real windy and I stayed home with Suz and watched TV!!
Youth is wasted on the young!!
When it's colder than a mother in laws kiss-put another log on the fire!
Coldest we have hunted in a couple years ago.


...and this is tonight..


It was rough...snow still to knees
Ive certainly become more of a wuss hunting. But I used to live in a house in town and I would have to go hunting to get out into the woods. Now i live in the woods, in a trailer with wood heat alone. Im out in the woods frozen more than ever before, my fingers are cold now typing this in bed, it got up to 23 degrees yesterday and I got lazy with the stove, I woke up at 6am today and its -11 outside and 36 inside now.

I love being out in nature, its shooting the animals thats lost its fun, last month I called in a pair right in the open maybe 8 seconds after stating the call. I had an idea they could be close so I loaded my AR like a noobie and dropped my bolt on the chambered round too softly before walking out. The stand went better than planned and I aimed and pulled the trigger, got a click, I cycled the action to load a new round but the first one never got pulled out by the extractor and I double fed the gun, with a pair of coyotes running in circles in front of me... They figured things out before i did... It felt like I was at work just working through another hickup...

Its been a real cold winter, the last two full moons were in the -20s. My buddy called yesterday to tell me he has seen 7 coyotes in daylight this week just from the road and almost hit 2 with his truck, ive seen around 7 daytime coyotes my whole life here, even the coyotes are feeling it, its been too cold to do anything at night.
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Hunting in the teens with little to no wind isn't bad at all if you dress for it. It's the dang wind that breaks you down. I'd rather hunt when it's 5 degrees and barely any wind than 25 with a steady 15 mph wind any day.
My feelings also even into single digits until last winter and this winter--don't know if it is this 73yrs stuff or that Lymes crap from last year but there is a diff.