How do you nuke?


Well-known member
How do you nuke your scope?

1. I leave my scope on auto nuke

2. I nuke my scope manually vs auto nuke

Last night while calling a tight spot, the only shot was a logging road with thick cover on both sides. I had two shot ops at less than 100 yds but both were spoiled by the scope auto nuking at just the wrong time. Safety off, finger on the trigger and "nuke". Coyote gone both times, I felt defeated.

I tried to do a poll but I don't know how. Maybe those who know could give me some instruction.
The high end American made scopes with BAE cores from Trijicon and Nvision don't have auto nuke so it's not an option.

When I first moved to Nvision from scopes with auto nuke I didn't think I would like it not having the option but moving forward I don't think I'd ever run one in auto, I've grown to like manuel and never missing a shot.
Really depends on how cold. When I first turn on the units, I start in auto at the truck so they can warm up as I walk to my stands (anywhere from1/2-3 miles). Once I setup my tripod, call, etc. I switch over to manual.
I've always just left mine on auto nuke, never been an issue. I wouldn't hesitate to switch to auto if it cost me a coyote though. Now that I've said that, this will likely be the next thing to go wrong for me. Usually how it works for me with my luck šŸ˜†
I've always just left mine on auto nuke, never been an issue. I wouldn't hesitate to switch to auto if it cost me a coyote though. Now that I've said that, this will likely be the next thing to go wrong for me. Usually how it works for me with my luck šŸ˜†
It hadn't been a problem for me either until this hunt but in less than 10 minutes got me twice. The timing was unbelievable. I can see where anyone hunting open space like many are afforded everywhere but here in the east, it would not be a problem, just wait on the nuke and take the next shot. When you only have a narrow 20' wide lane to shoot, it's a whole new ball game.
So how often does your scope nuke? Mine seems to do it a couple times after first turning it on, but after that theyā€™re generally good to go. I do notice it a few times but so far it hasnā€™t been an issue. I donā€™t have the kills most have either, I know itā€™s less than 100, so maybe it just hasnā€™t hit at just the right time.
I just roll with the auto nuc setting setting but I hunt primarily open fields. I havenā€™t been boned yet so Iā€™ll probably just keep rolling with it. I can see how tighter spots can cause an issue though. I guess I just never gave it any thought but it is so simple to do it manually that I may give it a shot just to see how things go.
I use auto and have been 'caught' a couple times. Switched to manual thinking I would nuc when getting into the gun and found that that didn't work out so well (just like hitting record doesn't) so went back to auto. Even tried just randomly hitting nuc when in set and couldn't get that right either--getting away from 'young' sucks.
Though after reading your post Week, I just might try something again when I start hunting again in a couple weeks and see if I can get a new method into muscle memory.
So how often does your scope nuke?
On this hunt it was at least every 5 minutes or so.

I had asked a couple well know killers on this site when I first got the scope and they said just auto. One of them hunted the Dakotas where you can see for miles and the other mostly big ag fields here in the east where a half mile view is just average. All I had was the logging road. I saw five coyotes on the that one stand and never fired a shot. Only 2 were nuke related though.
What is the "penalty" for not nuking enough? Is it merely the contrast won't be as good or is there more to it than that?
Isnā€™t ā€œnukingā€ temp or humidity related? I notice my AGM does it more than my iRay, but not enough to be an issue (yet).
They need nuking the most at start up, then they seem to settle out. One of the things I've noticed on the newer units coming out is the nuking process is much much faster than units from just 4 years ago. At some point it will be immediate I'm guessing as technology evolves. Heat and humidity plays a big factor in image/nuking as well.

I nuke mine at the beginning of each stand and almost never have to touch it during a stand. I don't hunt during the summer so YMMV. I turn my scope on at the beginning of the night and it stays on all night long.

Without nuking it starts to slowly pixelate, the image isn't good and crisp. I've found that even though you forget and have to immediately shoot it doesn't affect POA/POI, it just doesn't look great.

Auto nuke is typically an ok option for guys that hunt with others, hunt open typography but guys hunting in tight quarters with time sensitive shot opportunities and or if you simply never want to be messed up by the scope auto nuking (tournament hunters) should strongly consider running in manual nuke.
How do you nuke your scope?

1. I leave my scope on auto nuke

2. I nuke my scope manually vs auto nuke

Last night while calling a tight spot, the only shot was a logging road with thick cover on both sides. I had two shot ops at less than 100 yds but both were spoiled by the scope auto nuking at just the wrong time. Safety off, finger on the trigger and "nuke". Coyote gone both times, I felt defeated.

I tried to do a poll but I don't know how. Maybe those who know could give me some instruction.

I have Trijicon scopes which are MANUAL only and AGM scopes that I leave in AUTO. I prefer MANUAL for shooting and AUTO for scanning.

Most scopes with AUTO NUC will also allow you to perform a MANUAL NUC with one of the buttons and override the AUTO NUC cycle. Check your manual and if it's possible to perform an override NUC, then recalibrate right before you get ready to shoot and that will restart the pixel drift cycle and give you plenty of time for the shot.
Each sensor element has heat 'memory'. A shutter goes in front of the array and electronics 'balance' out the memory. Basically reduces the 'ghost' image of the scene. Probably warmer temp and warmer 'scene' need nuking more often.