what sounds ? are they good ? will coyotes come running in ? can even i call coyotes in with them ?
How long are these sounds for $20? Is there a way to preview them that I'm not seeing? Good looking website BTW. Some really cool stuff there.
nice I didn’t know Cal had a website…. I was referencing the sounds that were discussed on James podcast. “O’Neil Ops”
I have built a website and am selling a group of sounds that I recorded and myself and a few others have tested. caltaylorcoyotes.com . There is not currently a preview available, and if that keeps a few guys from buying them I understand. What I have found over the years is that some of the stuff I recorded and thought sounded great, didn't produce. And only through testing can you figure out if, and how well, they do produce. So if anyone can listen to a 5 second cut of a sound with a voice over on top of it, and tell if it works you are way ahead of me in this game. Therefore I decided against a preview. I'd rather have guys like the O'Neill Ops crew, myself, and a few others seeing how well they work. The reports have been top notch on everything released. The sounds that weren't producing didn't make the cut, no matter how good they sounded to my ear. My personal opinion is that many of the sounds released by various outlets don't produce much, if anything. I feel that way over half the stuff out there, just doesn't work, and my own recordings for the last 25 years have proven that. All along in my dealings with sounds my biggest issue was always testing, testing, testing, and due to that I could never produce the volume of sounds that some others have and so I kind of went to the wayside in the sound producing world. But I kept making a little stuff all along and keeping my own "secret" sound list. Now I am releasing a few. For those that try them, I think you will be very happy with them. For those that don't because they cost too much, or you can't hear a preview, you are just making it better for the rest of us!
I can attest to these sounds working. Been using them for a few weeks now and have been calling and killing coyotes consistently….

Good Hunting Chad
Thanks Chad,
I'm receiving some awesome reports. And what's most impressive to me is that I released these sounds in February. The guys that are kicking ass with these sounds right now are using them on coyotes that have been hammered on and called at all winter. I probably should have waited until September for a release date so that everyone was calling to fresh coyotes but I'm more impressed that they are working well now. I called in and killed and old female the other day that was already packing one recent bullet wound, and where she was living I know she had heard several libraries all winter long.
No,I think you released them at the right time. The proof is in the pudding. If you are calling Coyotes with these sounds in February and March they should be amazing come September and October. Thanks again Cal….

Good Hunting Chad
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will they work in my foxpro patriot it takes 16 bit not 24

also supports mp3 files and wav files

Update: i see that they will work (y)(y)
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What I have found over the years is that some of the stuff I recorded and thought sounded great, didn't produce. And only through testing can you figure out if, and how well, they do produce. S

Amen. Amen. Amen.

I did a fair amount of sound recording and a whole lot more of sound testing years ago. Even including testing some of your earliest sounds Cal. Talking way back in the day. What I learned, the hard way, is exactly what you just said. Only with thorough testing will you know. And that goes both ways! What sounds great to you or me, may not produce. What may sound less than perfect to you or me, may produce like crazy. One of my sounds that isn't available commercially, but has been the most productive prey sound for me, over many years, has too much distortion, wind and background noise to EVER be considered viable to sell. But it has produced consistently for decades now.

So I bought one of Cals sounds before heading out to finish my thermal season tonight. I decided I would go with his call named “territorial” and hit some of the areas I’ve called multiple times this year. The idea was to target coyote that I know are pressured and some that I’ve struck out on.

I purposely started my stands with other well known and successful howls to gauge responsiveness. I got responses on some stands but nothing significant. I hit (territorial) about halfway into the stand every time. Guys I’m not kidding, every time I switched to that sound I had very aggressive response from the same coyotes and other groups that hadn’t responded.

I didn’t call any in with the sound alone but it fired them up enough to get them committed to other fight and distress sounds. Killed coyotes on every stand tonight.

I’m sorry if this post seems a little fanboy but this one’s legit.
Thanks for the report! That sound is producing well. I've been using it for a year or so and have had really great success with it both as a locator and a calling sound. I have killed a lot of coyotes with it in areas where prey sounds have been overused and coyotes were very call shy. I simply run that howl and wait a few minutes, run it again. I then hang out and wait a few. Usually something shows up or answers. Only then, when I know a coyote was within a few hundred yards, would I switch to a different sound. Usually the sound I call wife beater, which is a breeding sequence, but it seems to work year round. That system has worked really well here since January 1 after the coyotes were pretty well educated.