One of my main manuals that I really trust is the Nosler Manual. Their accuracy loads have proven to be a winner in many rifles of mine over the years. Nosler bullets have also proved to be very close if not as accurate as the Match bullets that I made for many years shooting Benchrest competition.
When it comes to reloading, one thing that it leads to is more shooting.
One of the largest mistakes that most shooters make is not cleaning their guns on a regular basis. One little bit of information that most shooters are not aware of is just how fast a cleaning brush will wear out. I have been using the bronze bristle brushes from for many years and have never scratched my preicious custom barrels with them. Never, Never, Never use a stainless steel brush, they will scratch barrels.
The best cleaning solvents that I use are Montana Extreme solvent and Montana Extreme 50 BMG copper solvent which are both OIL based. Pushing 4 soaking wet patches of the regular Montana Extreme through the bore and leaving it over night will remove most fouling with one application of the Montana Extreme 50 BMG copper solvent getting the rest out withing 15 minute soak. I use the brushes when I have stubborn barrels and/or need to clean in a hurry.
A good rod guide is necessary if you do not want to lap your throat egg shaped over the years. There are two companies that make good rod guides that perfectly center the rod in the bore at this time, Neil Jones ( 814-763-2769 in Pa.) and Lucas. Rod guides never wear out, and are a great investment in your equipment, costing $35 or so.
Bullet seating depth is critical to maximizing the accuracy of your rifle, it is as important as your powder charge.
There are two tools that you need to measure your seating depth properly, a Over All Length gage made by Rajun Cajun who is a moderator on this board. Rajun Cajun's tool is very easy to use and accurate, and at $25 is a steal. Another tool that you will need to use in conjunction with Rajun's tool is a Ogive gage sold by called a Davidson ogive gage which will enable you to measue the seating depth off the ogive of the bullet instead of the point. Using these two divices, you will be able to measure the seating depth down to the .001.
Good luck in your new hobby!