I'm fairly certain I've seen it out there on the internet somewhere, but does anyone know a website that makes the helmet adapters for handheld thermals like the Bering phenom?
I came across a bump helmet and Wilcox mount for next to nothing and on a whim might see if I can get my phenom mounted to it.
I know there is one for the AGM that looks to be approximately the same size
I know it's going to be heavy and clunky, just want to see if I can use it for a backup helmet rig
I'm fairly certain I've seen it out there on the internet somewhere, but does anyone know a website that makes the helmet adapters for handheld thermals like the Bering phenom?
I came across a bump helmet and Wilcox mount for next to nothing and on a whim might see if I can get my phenom mounted to it.
I know there is one for the AGM that looks to be approximately the same size
I know it's going to be heavy and clunky, just want to see if I can use it for a backup helmet rig
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