Hawks presence discourage Coyote?


New member
Hey guys,
On the property I've hunted twice now, there's a pair of Hawks that appear at almost every setup I make. I start calling, one sits in a nearby tree and screams in response to my calling while the other circles overhead. Question is, do any of you think maybe a 'yote would be less apt to respond to a setup while a hawk is nearby and obviously actively pursuing the prey item I am pretending to be?
Hawks and coyotes hunt simular areas for mice, so they're in direct competition for the same food source. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Coyotes are opportunists, so if they thought that they could get there first, they might give it a try. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

However, if they've been strafed by a hawk before they might be hesitant to approach the area. :rolleyes:

Personally, I don't see a hawk trying to give a coyote a hard time for the same food source. A hawk's percentage per attack is fairly low (statistically), so he's not likely to get into it with a coyote and waste precious energy. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

If you called and no coyotes showed, then I'd say they weren't in the area to begin with....that day.

Good hunting, Bowhunter57

Earlier this winter was out late afternoon when a hawk come in and lit 15 yards from me on a limb looking for the rabbit that was "singing the blues". I was too busy watching the bird, when a coyote came in 10 yards behind me (busted). Most of my stands will call in crows, hawks.....there presence to me will seem to let any coyotes in the area know that somethings going on--curiosity might get the best of them. If you use a decoy--don't let the birds of prey make off with it! Good hunting to you! Coming down your way to try my luck at an Osceola one of these days.

How 'bout bobcats? There's a few of those but have
nt called one, despite waiting 30-40 mins on a lot of my stands.
A coyote will run a hawk off a fresh kill everytime it can.

I often start a calling sequence with a hawk scream.

Often times a hawk scream will bring in the crows. Coyotes are aware of what is going on around them, and if you have hawks and crows cricling your set, you have added a bit of realizm to it.


THO Game Calls
What you did was call in a couple predators that fly just like you'd do with owls if you were hunting at night. They are raptors and as said before compete with all the other predators for food. If you have a coyote or bobcat coming to your call, watch the birds. Many times they let you know if you have something responding.

Calling cats in the day is another story, most folks have called in many more then they have seen. If you can call at night that's the best time to call for cats, plus the fact they can't hide them BIG gold eyes lol.